You can kill yourself with timed fuze ammo

Hello everyone,

So, I just found out that you can kill yourself with timed fuze ammunition when test driving the T-80UK. You can do this yourself by range finding an object that’s about 5m or less from your tank, that will set the fuze to go off then, after that all you need to do is drive forwards a bit, sometimes you don’t need to sometimes you do, I’m not sure because it only happens like 50% of the time. If you want to see it happen i recommend you watch this video I just made, I think it’s just a funny little piece of WarThunder knowledge. This is the link to the video of me killing my self with the timed fuze round.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day.


Aint a problem if you remember the set the fuze distance. +I have killed myself so many times with these☠️


You can also die when tank ammo explodes and you are right next to it if in a lightly armored vehicle.

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I was impressed when I had that happen to me, I raced in with my light tank like fireman sam, and exited stage left like snagglepuss.

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It happened to me on a T-34-85 when I was close to a Panther that got killed, first and only time I’ve seen that happen on a medium tank.

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Wow, wouldnt have thought a medium tank could die to it but I guess if bombs and large HE rounds can kill you, why not a tank loaded with 50 rounds or whatever.

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I didn’t knew it could happen on a medium tank also and I even checked the server replay to understand what just happened, the worse thing was that the enemy tank that killed the Panther didn’t even aimed it’s gun, just got scared and shot it in 3rd person view.

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