Yes, sometimes SPAA is boring, but rewarding

So, for the last few months I have been playing a lot. Grinded almost all GER tree and I have been enjoying the game ( weird, I know). 9.3 was my favourite BR until I discovered 10.7. Then tried 12.0 and starting to understand how much more of a problem (not in a game breaking problem, but more like “us as players in a match need to do something” problem) is CAS.

So I decided to play a lot more SPAA in 10.7 in the last few days and I can say, I am having fun and win more games.

Let me explain.

Yes, I have been playing with friends. So just siting somewhere and waiting for radar to find something is not as boring. But the principle is to spawn SPAA early in the game, find a good spot where enemy tanks would not easily find you, but you would not be in spawn. And then… wait. 95% of the time you will see something and it is your job as air defence to make enemy CAS be destroyed or detered. And I found out that I have been seeing this game as “I must grind out the tree” instead lets have fun. Yes, dying is not fun, being spawn camped is not fun, but not all games are like this.

More powerfull SPAA’s in NATO trees are needed, but now we got to work with what we have. I had to understand that SPAA is more important than people who sit in light vehicles in a flank. Just because CAS affects not only the deaths of teammates, but the whole inertion of pushing, having defence positions in points etc.

This is just a random post, but I do believe, thay people who see CAS as problem, does not play SPAA or play it lightly. I do understand the whole SU-34 IS OP stuff, it also bothers me.

Try to be your best with it and never depend on your team to save you. Even so, if you play with friends, having to spawn 2-3 Roland 1’s knowing where to position yourself and when to use IRST will make a hard time for any object in air.

And to point out the SPAA is rewarding retoric. It is rewarding in fun factor once you clear the sky, not in SL or RP reewards.


9.3-10.3 BR range is where there are too many OP AAA, which sadly leads to lack of targets to kill, the loooong wait and the death zone

Wait until it shoots Chaff making IRST completely messed. Also people could learn about ticket waste upon death. Usually airplanes with full load out with ground ordnances tend to be more expensive, which is reflected in the tickets drained from the team, if for some reason the enemy has around 5 planes in air that was spawned with full ground ordnances, the price of losing those are huge and can make difference.

Currently SPAA rewards are not great for the time you waste and risks you take, but any mistake from the enemy team can put themselves in a bad position because CAS doesn’t win matches, and I say it will never at the current situation we’re in. Play the objetive, take some time to spawn SPAA sit and wait the ping on the radar, it does take long to actually work your role in the team but it’s very worth the feeling of shooting down a aircraft with full air-to-ground weapons load.

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Well if IRST won’t help, then just non-IRST mode will help :D

I do agree with everything you said. There is whole another problem with friendly teams overextending and leaving stragglers around who easily kill you and etc.

I just wanted to point out how important and sometimes fun SPAA could be and beneficial to the game. Sadly, most of the games are Team Deathmatch with capture points.

Is it just me or are Aircraft kills awarded far less mission score than Ground kills.

Generally, I’m used to ground vehicles being worth 300 mission score and aircraft being worth 150. There could be other factors, I’m just generally doing the match based on the sum of actions but that’s how it feels.

Proportionally, I feel like aircraft kills are worth more due to the difficulty in shooting them down (with Rank I - IV anyway) and the danger they pose to the team.

I also really like the Dollarplays suggestion of being able to despawn your SPAA and take a tank out with having to incur a loss of points, credits or spawn points.

Yes. I’ve had 4 air kills and been bellow people with nothing but 2 deaths on the score board. An air kill is like 200 score tops.

No not really. I’m an SPAA main myself and have been playing the exact same way you’re doing it since back when the MiG-27K was the best CAS aircraft, and even back then CAS had a huge advantage against SPAA even with the un-nerfed missiles. The tried and true method of

  1. Get a single cap and assist
  2. Spawn in an aircraft with enough ordanance to wipe out half a team
  3. Turn around and fly away from the battlefield
  4. Space climb outside of SPAA range
  5. Fly back over the battlefield when you are above their radar sweeps where you don’t even render in for SPAA even through thermals
  6. Shoot with complete impunity at everything bellow

worked just as well back then as it does today. Since then we’ve had multiple improvements in CAS abilities with targeting pods, laser guided bombs, fire and forget missiles and more, whilst SPAA has only gotten nerfs with the missile changes and Gaijin turning every map into a 3 lane hellhole where all the spots you could hide in as an SPAA to avoid getting killed by an MBT 3 minutes into the match have beeen zoned off. The only thing that has changed for SPAA to “balance” it out is the Pantsir which only helps to reinforce USSR CAS dominance by forcing the other team to fly defensively in CAP and never engage in dogfights unless they want to become easy pickings for a Pantsir, and ammo boxes so you don’t have to dash through MBTs with a truck with the mobility of a WW2 heavy to refill your ammo.

I honestly think the boredom of sitting in my M163 is rewarded by getting to see the now shredded MiG-15s falling lifelessly from the sky after wreaking short lived havoc on the rest of my team