XM800T: Brave Prowess

It is similar to the German Marder, probably faster and more mobile tho and has a stabilizer, so it’s probably on par, if not better. I say it goes to 7.3.

Did the Bradley and M22 have a baby?


This thing is just the rcv p but tracked if its lower than 7.7 that would be dumb.

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Provided it gets the APDS, that is

They didn’t mention it in this devblog

We will see

Personally I hope it has APDS and ends up at 7.7 or 8.0

I feel like it would go well with the M103, M48, M60 and so on.

7.3 or 7.0 with only HVAP is also an option, but then it starts to encroach on M551(76) and T92’s territory. US simply doesn’t need another light at that BR bracket.

There is an obvious gap at rank V, but the BRs associated with this rank is anywhere from 7.0 to 8.0.


I just hope 20mm apds gwts buffed because it is pitiful


Darn, I was hoping for the XM800W (W meaning for wheeled version).

Event or premium addition in the future maybe?


But it’s really nice now that the U.S. is finally getting a fast 20mm autocannon firing scout vehicle of their own similar to other nation counterparts like the Wiesel 1A4, SUB-I-II, AMX-10P. This also helps out the U.S. SPAA gap problem around mid-tier depending on how low of a BR it gets (7.0-7.7?). The stabilizer should also help out tons against aircraft and some flanking against light and maybe medium tanks.

Great and welcome addition to the game nonetheless.


OMG that’s amazing! I really hope that’s added, it looks amazing

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Like this?


It has been some years since Gaijin stopped basing APDS performance on documentation/tables.

For APFSDS they use Lanz-Odermatt, which works great, and produces realistic results that for the most part match the tables.

Unfortunately the APDS calculator is not as accurate… I wonder what kind of calculator they use?

IIRC they never specified this.

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Oh ive known about that for a while. Gaijin would rather deny all sources for nato 20 and 30mm sources then give them slightly more pen for balancing reasons.

american coping about abrams

Will the TOW version get added one day?

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it got an hispano suiza 820, the same gun as on the R3 T20 or the french TPK so yeah it will absolutely sucks since the AP-I only have 57mm of pen point blank

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This should be classed as an SPAA and be 5.7

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My brother in Christ I don’t even care about this thread I just didn’t know what stoma was talking about

US light vehicle
not criminally overtiered

Can’t wait for this to drop at 7.7 with 50mm pen APCR

I think he meant that was what Stona was talking about. Basically someone was complaining that SEPv3 isn’t being added.

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It has now been decided that it will have a DM63 belt.