I think nobody complains about the PGZ because it’s already a Gepard equivalent; I’ve heard that the AHEAD is pretty bad and Gaijin must know this because it has maintained a BR of 8.3 where 35mm guns work just fine even without airburst.
I’m not sure the concentration of the fragmentation of the MPF rounds, but like STGN wrote in the thread J quoted, the shell had almost double the trigger radius as M822 (7m according the the photo analysis), and an “adaptive” damage feature that allowed the shell to disperse its explosive power in the specific flight path of the aircraft, unlike a “dumb” sphere-shaped explosion like with M822.
Interesting, I wonder what the reasoning behind that is? Because unless the effectiveness is a direct result of the large caliber or combined rate of fire, it seems odd for Gaijin to make such a copy-pastable mechanism far less useful on a gun only 5mm smaller.
The guns are centrally mounted instead of mounted on the sides of the turret, which is better for CQB as with the Gepard, often only one gun can be brought on to the target.
-10 degrees of Gun depression instead of -5 on the Gepard.
If You can find me consistant proof appart from the drawing of the possible use of this ammunition that would be great, i have had issues with gdls sources before and don’t really trust them and to top it off i havent found anything about such ammo being produced or tested by gdls only ammo i could find was an oerlikon 35 mm proxy that was never bought by any country
It would help with the CAS issues if SPAAs where actually shooting at planes rather than at tanks, I’m for removing AP ammo from SPAAs for that reason alone (well that and the ridiculous ones like the Falcon and ZSU-57-2 that just drive around shredding heavy tanks like they are made of cardboard), the amount of times I see them getting killed by planes while they are spamming at tanks, and I’m certainly not above dropping a few cannon rounds through their roofs it I see them doing it will I’m flying CAP.
cant say i get it all that often unless i get unlucky and run smack into a maus.
Elsewise i absolutely love bullpupping the bloke that killed me in my beloved scimitar followed by the different spawn cost bucanner s1 after ive annihilated half his team on a flank.
I don’t really enjoy SPAAs at all, but killing planes is literally what they are built for. If you are off shooting tanks with an SPAA while planes are farming your team you deserve to get bombed.
Ty, it’s mostly cuz during this time GDLS went hard into propaganda and i mean HARD it was some pretty funny stuff i’ll try to get it tomorrow once i get in My PC for now imma go sleep, also i’ll try to find any mention of it being used in the XM246
Oh i actually found it, the leo 2/2 they refer to was a 2a5, this and other such pics from gdls, that’s why i don’t trust a single picture claiming the use of a 35 mm proxy round special with the Quality, it’s My bad experience with GDLS shenanigans in the 70’s to 80’s