XM246: The American Gepard!

I don’t understand the hate on gepard, as it’s not even the best 35mm spaa at its br…

And where is Gepard 1a2 thermals and AHEAD?

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I believe the French Falcon on steroid is an overall better AA and AT than Gepards, by a slight margin.

They also did the Chinese dirty, US M60TTS 9.0 has M774, Chinese M60TTS also at 9.0 but only has M735.

Well yeah, and then there are the type87 with LRF and IRST and pgz09 with thermals, AHEAD, LRF AND IRST…

PGZ09 is definitely 100% better than Gepards in terms of AA ability, I only ever managed to shoot down enemy nuke plane once if it weren’t for the PGZ09 I wouldn’t be able to do it in 3km++. The only complain about it is the gun depression being -2 which makes it an inferior AT compare to Gepard, that’s the only thing that put them in the same br I guess.

90% of the maps are so flat that it really doesn’t matter that much.

I have 3 nukes in pgz09 and none in gepard, so i’d say personally it’s not too bad in AT role either.

You killed the enemy ground vehicles with AHEAD more easily than the stock AP? I always though the AHEAD is only effective against air targets and light tanks

There isn’t that much of a difference. Just zero the AHEAD fuze at the sky (so you get 9999 range on it) and you are good to go.

Bigger plus on pgz is that you have a literal no fly zone for every single helicopter and plane in the sky.

Funnily whenever I jump into the PGZ09 I reserve all the ammo for air units and try to avoid ground targets, I also constantly runs out of ammo from killing air targets alone even the ammo box barely offset my trigger happy finger lol I currently has around 3 air kills per death so I guess I didn’t waste its potential as an anti air unit. I never even want to play it as it’s bored my legs shut, I only spawn it after my first spawn were killed by enemy CAS.

While I find the AHEAD being extremely effective, it has no match for the M247’s HEVT.

I’m not entirely sure what your point is, the thermals and AHEAD on the PGZ09 don’t affect the vehicle’s performance that deeply, which is why it has stayed at 8.3 (although a raise in the future is not out of the question). The Gepard 1A2 on the other hand gets 4 stinger missiles, so its BR is heavily boosted as a result.

You can use hydropneumatic suspension to get more depression. All those pros and basically no cons makes the PGZ09 criminally under-BR’ed IMO

Are we really complaining about a vehicle not getting 40 rounds of apds? I mean come on guys get a life

40 round apds can mean u can kill or not yk

It really isn’t though, if you flank you don’t need apds

Easier said than done in a M48 based vehicle. Other 8.3 SPAAs have APDS and are far more mobile

It should have gone down even lower lol because screw CAS in ground battles, only thing I despise ground battle. Down low the no radar Shilka is surprisingly good, that thing is almost 100% better than the M163.

APDS yes, moblility…

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I’m not interested in the debate how powerful SPAA should be against CAS in general. My concern in this thread is SPAA performance relative to other SPAA.

Actually, what are the advantages of this hammerhead shark compare to normal Gepard? due to how far the gun is away from each other, I only see it hurts the accuracy when dealing with planes that nose dive on you.