XM246: The American Gepard!

They got a different reasoning when people pointed that out,or even by the fact that all of the others 35mm SPAA can’t have a full APDS belt (theoretically doable but it’s a theory+IRL APDS is only used as a self-defence)

This thing will straight up be the slowest SPAA at its BR, together with the Marksman. And no one plays it whatsoever.


I’m trying to make a point. No I don’t want the M247 to be nerfed, but I just don’t understand why one vehicle can have prototype proxy ammo while the another cannot when they were both developed in parallel.

There is only one XM246, and only one nation that can ever receive it, so I would like to make the best of this vehicle while it is present.

Think about it; A suggestion was made for this vehicle, someone pointed out a large, historically accurate buff, that seemed to be intentional for said vehicle based upon historical diagrams.

Gaijin took the vehicle, and implemented it completely void of this historical feature, so that they could put it at a BR they preferred. Not only this, but they previously went through the effort to give a different vehicle the same historical buff so that it could be put at a higher BR than where it would be without.

And note, this is all the while multiple other AA that could fit between the M163 and M247 have proper community-made suggestions, which are sitting on Gaijin’s official forum for all to read.

Gaijin doesn’t have any inherently bad intentions here of course, but I have to emphasize that we can’t keep settling on their poorly thought out decisions like this, as it will inevitably lead to more complications in the future.

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I love when my divad doesnt have apds or irst/eots when they were a requirement!

Bro, I told you like a week ago that it’s not gonna get either proxy or apds, lmao this game.

My point have been made clear, and none of us have power over Gaijin’s decisions, so the most I can do is protest what I believe to be wrong or unfair.

the gaijin yearns for mass critique

za35 my favorite vehicle to kill and get first strike

You’re braver than most to say that on here

Say it with me class: “Balancing”
Gaijin want an 8.3 SPAAG for the US, They could nerf the XM247 and remove the Proxy, but going by it’s closet equivalent, the VEAK 40, the XM247 would end up 7.7ish. Which for those at the back, is lower than the 8.3 target.
Instead they’ve gone an found a suitable SPAAG, that’s equivalent to the other 8.3 SPAAGs (twin 35mm HV guns with no proxy), to fill the gap, while allowing the XM247 bully away in the 9.0 line up. Simply by using (as they do constantly) ammunition as a balancing factor.
It’s not poorly thought out, it’s instead well thought out and consistent with other decisions elsewhere. Amazing that huh!

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“It’s not poorly thought out” You’re right - It’s thought out extremely well, to hinder the American equivalent’s capabilities, only one Gepard clone in game doesn’t get APDS and it’s the ZA-35 because it’s fast as hell.

The XM-246 is nowhere close to being fast thanks to having the hull of an M48, the turret is still paper, and now it still has those 2 ammo belts, giving another chance to kill it in one shot.

It also has to be said that there were technical challenges at that time (80s) to make small calibre proximity fuzes. It seems 40mm is the smallest you could go, hence it’s prolific use in Bofors 40mm L/70

It’s poorly thought out because they went for a more convenient yet unfaithful representation as opposed to a slightly more obscure (again already present on the forums in suggestion format) but faithful representation such as the Ares Eagle, which is also 8.0-8.3 material with twin 35mm cannons and no proximity ammo to worry about.

People often get angry when Gaijin artificially nerfs other vehicles to force them into a specific BR bracket, and so the only reason there is little outrage against this one is because the alternatives are still too obscure (and yet equally as developed as the XM246) for a majority of people to immediately think of.

Has no radar, so would be a 8.0. Again, Gaijin want a 8.3 and will do whatever they need to make it so.

And yet there is a photograph as I posted above of a 35mm HE-VT shell mid-detonation. Even if it never came into mass production, neither did the M822 40mm HE-VT, and so they are practically one in the same when it comes to development status.

Or maybe HE should be buffed against planes b/c in reality AP would be the least effective round, passing straight through airframes without doing damage, not blowing off wings with a couple of hits as they do in the game.

It is fine at 8.0, but I don’t think the lack of a search radar is so much of an issue in an uptier in an 8.3 lineup. The more pressing question would be the presence of any FCS that would permit aircraft tracking, that which I don’t believe the suggestion mentions the existence of or not.

But it’s not really a big deal, because there’s nothing other than similar foreign systems at the BR that demands an 8.3 SPAA for the U.S. Having a gap at 8.3 and 8.7 will only be natural, but it can be well assured that 7.7-8.0 and 9.0+ will be well covered.

The U.S. developed a rough equivalent to the Gepard and Marksman systems, but simultaneously made it better by providing it with HE-VT, so it only makes sense to reflect that in game with a higher BR.

T-series tanks have the strongest/most trolly side armor at their BRs. Even if the AP rounds can “barely” penetrate the side of a T-series tank (which in my opinion doesnt matter because it still can), that means it would fairly easily penetrate most other vehicles.

Ok forgive me, somehow I did not catch this. Great to see the 35mm proximity round was not just paper, but real.

Now here’s the thing. The XM246 in it’s current state, with low mobility and without APDS, compared to other 8.3 SPAA is… maybe not 8.3 worthy. 8.0 is closer to the mark. Or maybe the other 35mm systems should be higher BR. All I’m saying is the gap in capability is not reflected now.

Maybe the proximity fuse is not unthinkable, since the PGZ 09 is allowed to be 8.3 with, get this…

  • Higher mobility
  • Gen 2 Thermals
  • APDS
  • AHEAD (yes, AHEAD)

Since the PGZ 09 has all that, could this XM246 be somewhere in 8.3-8.7 range with a lower caliber proximity round?

IDK what damage output these rounds would have compared to AHEAD, but I don’t think the difference is extreme.

I’m just asking questions here, since it seems nobody complains about the PGZ 09. I only know about it since my friend is a avid user.

why did they remove the ap from the m247 tho
like the 40mm bofos have it, irl
it have like almost 90mm flat pen at 100mm 0 deg
i still dont know why they remove it