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  • Introduction:
    Wheeled armored vehicles have the advantages of light weight, strong tactical mobility, moderate firepower, and easy deployment, making them an ideal choice for modern combat forces that emphasize rapid response and deployment. At that time, China was very lacking in wheeled armored vehicles, and only WZ521 and other wheeled armored vehicles were used as temporary replacements in China. They did not have much combat efficiency and their performance did not meet the needs of the Chinese military. Therefore, in early 1979, the Central Military Commission decided to lead the development of new wheeled armored vehicles under the leadership of the Fifth Machinery Department and subordinate to the First Machinery Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. Based on China’s current scientific level, combined with the current technical and tactical requirements of our army, as well as factors such as similar level technological weapons in neighboring countries, the development of new wheeled armored vehicles was demonstrated. In late 1981, the argument was completed and it was decided to develop the WZ551 wheeled armored vehicle based on the imported Mercedes Benz 2026 all wheel drive off-road vehicle. Led by Sichuan Wuji Bureau, the prototype development began at the end of 1981.
    The earliest prototype WZ551
    At the end of 1983, the WZ551, which had undergone several improvements, finally passed the ministerial level testing and was ready to enter Beijing for final finalization testing. In order to enrich its weapons, the WZ551 was equipped with a turret of the ZBD86 infantry tank, using a 73mm low-pressure smoothbore gun, after modifying the diameter of the roof weapon base station and strengthening the steel frame strength.In August 1984, some leaders of the Central Military Commission watched the presentation and demonstration of the WZ551 wheeled infantry tank and the WZ523 armored wheeled personnel transport vehicle.After affirmed the performance of the WZ551 in all aspects and proposed the possibility of selling it for foreign military trade.So there was a modified model of WZ551F.
    The strength of the vehicle body steel has been strengthened by forming a skeleton with longitudinal and transverse reinforcement ribs, which meets the requirements for the strength of the vehicle body steel when installing a 73mm gun. This car only has one prototype. The model developed together with WZ551F is called WZ551S, with the main changes being a 100mm increase in passenger compartment and a 400mm increase in seat length, improving passenger comfort.

  • In game:
    The main gun of WZ551F has tremendous power and can pose a great threat to tanks, with sufficient ammunition reserves. Its excellent maneuverability enables it to quickly enter combat positions, while also providing reconnaissance intelligence for teammates. He can be placed on 6.7 to supplement the Chinese queue.

  • Spefications:

    • Cerw:4 people
    • Main weapon:73mm smoothbore cannon (40 rounds)
    • Secondary weapon:Type 86 7.62mm machine gun (1000 rounds)
    • Engine: BF8L413FC engine, 320 horsepower.
    • Max speed:85km/h
    • Total combat weight: 15 tons
    • Amphibious capability: Yes
    • Protection ability: Within 200 meters, it can withstand 12.7mm armor piercing bullets from the front and 7.62mm attacks from the side.
    • Auxiliary equipment: Night vision device、4x76mm smoke grenade launchers

WZ551 F
The earliest prototype WZ551

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Whats the autocannon version called?


I think what you’re talking about is this. It’s called ZSL92B and uses the ZPT99 universal turret

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This would be really nice to see alongside the YW309, this would have better mobility but no HJ-73, while the YW309 would be slower but have better anti-tank capabilities. +1!


I think they might be talking about this one as shown in your post:

It’s a very early prototype of the WZ551 with a different front hull layout and is armed with what is likely a single PG85 23mm autocannon, a pretty much direct copy of the ZU-23 and the predecessor of the PG87 seen on the ZSD63 (PG87) in-game. In War Thunder, it would essentially function as a Chinese equivalent to the SUB-I-II or AMX-10P.

Unfortunately, I haven’t found an official designation for it but I’ve seen “ZSL90” thrown around quite a bit with the above picture. That being said, I have my doubts about that name in reference to this vehicle.


Oh yes, this is the first prototype of the WZ551 before its finalization, using a 25mm machine gun. However, at this time, the machine gun was single fed. Later, China and France had technical exchanges and jointly developed the NGH-1 infantry tank with the WZ551 chassis. Although the joint project was not implemented in the end, with only one prototype vehicle, China mastered dual feed technology from it, so the later ZSL92 used more advanced dual feed technology.
As we can see, the turret of the ZSL92 has undergone more advanced improvements after being finalized


A fat, wheeled Pbv 501? Works for me! +1


+1 Its gonna be fun at i assume 7.3 br?? But it looks off with such a small turret for a large hull, scaling more like a spaceship.

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Isn’t the 73mm cannon the same one as the one found on the ZBD-86

Anyways +1

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Literally the same turret



Does this have the late ZBD86 turret with 40°/s rotation speed or just the early one? I’m guessing early due to the time period it was built in

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I think is just the early one.At this time, ZBD86 has not yet been mass-produced, with only a few prototype vehicles being produced. So this should be an early type turret.