Working headlights/taillights and searchlights would be a good addition. Not to mention, removing flares and including lower BR’s into night battles would be good too. It would allow for light discipline and add a unique turn to tank v. tank. Also think it would be fun to activate a searchlight on a dark map and blind the **** out of people trying to aim at you.
Maybe it’s just the variant we have in game for the US TT never mounted it and that was why. That’s all I could think of though
Never made sense to me that Germany gets the M48A2G at same BR as US m48a1, we should get M48A3 at 7.7 too, that can prolly have search light since it has an American designation
Is there a difference?? I have only played the German one very much.
Only if it’s foldered, because it’s very annoying to research a vehicle that is basically the same
Maybe, but I wouldn’t know
Maybe a separated Events & Tournament like Simulator or Naval Enduring Confrontation,
Adding something like Night Battles, still can be accessed by players in random match making and in some specific vehicle rotation and capability of creating rooms by players.
Should be so nice, but the game needs some improvements in terms of lighting, extra noises, those things.
They made this possible in World of Tanks, why not in War Thunder with things like NVD and Thermal imagers.
No. Seperate=dead, Gaijin already makes them optional. It’s just so those who play lower BRs can do so in night time as well.
I’m waiting for more opinions in this thread. If this changed isn’t wanted by the community there’s no point in making a request.
They would be optional. You can chose to not play them now and you can disable them at lower ranks as well. This change would only lower the minimum BR at which night battles can happen.
optional cheatfest is still cheatfest … and having game mode where settings abuse or borderline cheating or outright cheating would be way, way, way more noticeable (compared to normal game modes) isn’t something Gaijin will want
Okay :)
In 2022 I got my first and only night time battle playing 5.7 USA. It was magical. I am not saying every other game should be night time, but 1 out of 10 battles below 8.0 would be very atmospheric and would break the monotone feel of this game. And that’s coming from someone who’s main reason to stop playing top tier was night battles (before the changes).
Low/mid tier night time just hits different.
Strong agree, they could start lowering that BR floor a notch from where it is. If you want to try to deal with just flares and tracer, or use the pre-thermal versions of night vision the game has, you should have that choice. Maybe not 1.0, but definitely could be lower than it is today, if it stays opt-in and you can turn it off.
There are a lot of cheaters in daytime matches too it makes no difference. This wouldn’t affect you at all if you don’t play night matches.
Top tier night battles are terrible but the slower gameplay at low-mid tier would allow for some fun night matches that offer a lot more gameplay variety than the 100th snow map.
That’s gorgeous! :O
Night battles should be in all modes (Air/Naval/Ground AB/RB/SB) and at all BRs, and they should also (as with any decent game design) be opt OUT, not opt in.