WW1 to Interwar 1939 Gamemode

I’m looking but can’t find a good enough match. What little I can tell is that it looks quite German, and the tires are solid rubber which places it likely pre-1920, since most trucks started using larger pneumatic tires around the mid-1920s. New trucks were quite rare after the first few years after the war due to the quantity of war-time trucks the governments sold off flooding the market.

I’ll look for more later/tomorrow. If anyone has more info on the photo, please share.

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75 mm Krupp SPAAG

Sadly not, that is also a 75mm BAK L/35 Krupp gun.
Or that is also a missidentified gun and a recoil suppresed verion of the 105mm.


oh thanks i didnt fully understand never mind :)

There’s so many interesting vehicles that could be added if we ever get WW1. Hopefully we will see Gaijin expand the game to this era of warfare

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Low Tier Fun Tier

& Those inventions with limited novel techs are always more fascinating
Early tanks, Early real tanks, Early cold war tanks
Early planes, Early ‘solid’ planes, Early jets, Early supersonics, Early BVRs

Our topic lies right inside the sweet zone

You forgot 1, the Autocannone da 105/28.

Sounds great +1

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you are right. it would be better to have them in a sub tech tree than in the normal one i would work better that way so new players dont start out with ww1 and start with the normal tanks but can start with ww1 if they want to.

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Just got a suggestion approved for the Sopwith Camel

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Also trying to get a Bristol F.2B suggestion approved and work on some more WW1 fighter suggestions.

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basically FT-17 in all country except israel. and some derivatives of Renault tank like T-18 tank for soviet subline , T1 light tank for the US, Panzer 1 for german, maybe some “battleship” type tank like Mk 8, A7v and St. Chamond

FT char (French)
Saint Chamond (French)
M1917 (USA)
T1 Light (USA)
Renault FT (USSR)
T-18 MS-1 (USSR)
Vickers Medium Mk 1 (UK)
Vickers Medium Mk 3 (UK)
Mark VIII (UK)
Captured Renault FT (German)
A7V (German)
Panzer 1 (German)
Otsu-Gata (Japan)
Renault FT (Sweden)
Renault FT (China)
Fiat 3000 (Italy)

Some more suggestions that have been approved

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Uhhh, I’m not sure if this has caught your attention, but Gaijin’s new VR game, Aces of Thunder, is going to include WWI aircraft.

This could set a precedent for WWI content to eventually be added into War Thunder at some point in the future. The question is—when?


Yeah it looks great, I think Aces will be worth the wait since it was postponed from Q4 2024m Hopefully Aces becomes a VR/WW1/lower tier testbed for War Thunder like how it seems War Thunder Mobile is a testbed for submarines and more modern naval.

I don’t see any WW1 mode every to get added to the game.
Simply because of how the games economy is structured.

Gaijin makes money by selling Premium time and 60-70€ premium vehicles.

So adding WW1 and interwar vehicles would be zero profitable for them.

Unless they sell the game mode as a 60€ pack or you can unlock it after grinding to some higher ranks or something.

Since they are already making the models for WW1 aircraft for Aces of Thunder they can easily port them over to War Thunder since they will both be running on the same game engine and Aces is just War Thunder but working VR so it wouldn’t cost them much to do it.

Well that would work.

Sounds like the only way to improve WT nowadays is for Gaijin to make other games and then re-use the assets 😄

If Aces of Thunder sells like hotcakes because of the WWI aircraft, it’s bound to mean something. Gaijin would likely see it as a signal not to waste the opportunity to expand on this success by bringing full WWI content to War Thunder. It could open up an entirely new era of aviation/ground gameplay and potentially attract a new audience interested in the early history of aviation and ground vehicles before the 1930s.


Well then, looks like the April Fools event this year will be WW1 with aircraft, tanks and infantry for testing.


We’ll have to wait and see what exactly it is like but god damn I have hope

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