WW1 to Interwar 1939 Gamemode

True, tho some people could see such as a classic heavy tank playstyle.

Some solutions to such would be:

  • Dont add it, instead the B1 with just 40mm
  • But at a relatively high Br, were there are more other Powerfull interwar tanks
  • idk, loose.

Jokes aside, of course, like in current matchmaking ballancing is important, to see with what it would face.
Allready in normal matchmaking its difficult to ballance, so the best would be to simply leave it out in favour of the B1 with 40mm armor.


Interwar scenario: Battle of Warsaw (1920)


the Panzer IV have a HEAT round that is quite effective aginst the B1 Bis. but the B1 (from 1935) was not having an armour as thick as the B1 bis. it had 40mm all around the the turret was the same as the one use in the D2. basically it have the same level of protection the D2 have, only it’s bigger, have an useless 47mm SA34 and an useless 75mm.

the T-28 and the Panzer IV will be even harder to kill using the B1 than they will have difficulty to kill the B1.

weaker gun, weaker armor. but still look the same (they also retrofit the 47mm SA35 on those tanks which makes them almost virtually identical to the B1 bis but still have less armor) the mobility is about the same.
i will worry more about the T-22. it would feel more of a challenge in every aspect.


As a different game perhaps - not trying to integrate it into current game.

it wouldn’t have it in this case (it’s ww2). The hull gun would still have it’s 58mm aphe round, and can get a pcot round (that you suggested i believe). The armor if angled is going to be a problem, meanwhile other mediums won’t have any sufficient to protect them against the 75mm. The mathilda also woud be a bane to face.

The Großtraktor with long gun, will have an easy time against even B1 Bis.

the PCOT is not compatible with the 75mm SA35. it is compatible with the 75mm APX 1929 used by the SAu.40 and the 75mm mle 1897 used by the FCM 2C. the 75mm used by the B1 Bis & ter as well as the normal B1 already has in the game all the ammunition it ever had in reality. there would not be any other rounds to add.

58mm is more than enough but not that great. the armor can’t be easily angled and there is always the turret with 45mm and will always offer a face where you can penetrate it.

really I see no real challenge it. the B1 would only be good as long the enemy is not smart. As soon you break the track, it is done. the 47mm SA34 have like 23mm of penetration at combat distance.

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Expanded, reworked the list of possible WW1-Interwar Tanks in the main suggestion, for better overview, added pictures. And still WIP. (Update 2)

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Could be funny to see a WW1 game mode someday. It would need some proper maps for it like Cambrai (first massive utilisation of the tanks) or Villers-Bretonneux (first tank vs tank battle). Or even a reworked artillery system fitting more the artillery waves of WW1 (I’m literally dreaming)

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WW1 scenario: Battle of Gallipoli, but with tanks 😉

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Still enove for light tanks and trucks.

Finland is part of the Swedish tech tree

they had modified temporarily the Vickers 6 ton before they installed the Bofors guns. they used the 37mm SA18 from their FT

China do not have much, but I do not like to leave them out

they had 20 Vickers 6 ton Mark E (4 of which with radio)

The Renault ZB (a handful with 13.2mm Machine gun)

They also had a few BA-27M

up-gunned Renault FT

Naturally normal Renault FT (this one is a French tank in China but China still had some

There is also that thing with an Italian 76/40 (1917) gun from 1924. I am not sure what the truck is

For russia, you really got to consider the Russkiy Reno. it’s not just a copy, it’s a rearmed and improved copy with an Italian engine, a Hotchkiss 37mm, and a machine gun in the side (the first turret with a machine gun and gun at the same time in the tank’s history)

and they had built a few variants tethering gun and turret here and there.

Also the SU-1-12




T-28 (1932)

France have a bunch of vehicles to add

AMD 50

VE type P


and a very important touch, add the A1E1 independent to the UK. This tank is a monster from the 20s


yes, it’s enough when it’s a APHE which it is. otherwise, I would say to not even add it. at least for the current balance. the Char B1 cans still use the 75mm but it is so hard to be effective with it, mostly because the gu has nearly no traverse.

i was mentioning it because he implied the Char B1 would be too OP. but it’s basically just a Char D2 with a 75mm in the hull. the level of protection is the same.

what about a special map where artillery randomly falls over a wide area every few minutes? For example, once it fell on the trench in one area, then it fell on the trench in another area, and so on. randomly and unevenly without real accuracy

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Definitely would love a WW1 mode. Would be a great way to shake things up whenever you’re tired of top tier.


I would be very cool. We could use the terrain deformation feature from « ground breaking » to change the map from a good state to a lunar landscape. (I am still dreaming)

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What gun is that?

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Looks like a Chinese FT-17. The gun isn’t the usual 37mm SA18 gun commonly found on FT-17 but the « 37mm type 14 Liao ». The only source I found mentioning the name of the gun was a Flyhawk model kit for the tank. It would need some additional research.

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Im not shure but that reminds me of a Benz Gaggenau. (Maybe not that exact model below, there are minor differences. but @Spr4yz may know more.)

Also updated the list.

  • The vehicles you mentioned and more. (Still WIP.)
  • Taiwan and China Added
  • Finland as sub to sweden (expandable inside sweden)
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