WT Ground RB Map/Config Rating Poll

Map/config rating form. Also useful as a reference sheet. Feel free to share elsewhere. Some minimaps are old but still relevant. Please let me know if you see an error.


Just for curiosity. If I can get 50ish responses I’ll post detailed charts.


I gave up.
In general: Small map = bad
Battle = ok
3 caps = good
1 cap = unplayable
Big map = great


Yeah it’s pretty long but I felt the need to do all of the possibilities (excluding winter maps). I also left off ground zero since no one has night battles enabled : (

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Me too. :)

What he said!

Generally: CBQ = shitty & Open maps = good

All that said - it’s a VERY different game from low to high tier. So low tier players will enjoy different maps than high tier players.
At the moment, the game is almost entirely made up of low tier maps and therefore makes high tier players really frustrated.


You should not exclude winter variants as they are technically different maps. I personally like some of the normal versions of Ardennes, but I hate all winter variants of it. Winter variants lacks flora so they are just cancerous to play.

Also I understand why this is so long as if you want precise result it must be long however you could probably categorize those maps as there are probably players that are focused on specific tier and do not care much about maps that are not in those tiers like me who only plays +9.0 BR, so I there are a lot of maps where I cannot judge as I do not play those. I could also summarize my liking of maps like KillaKiwi did

  1. Small maps - depends (Advance on Rhine is big no, while Carpathians is quite nice map)
  2. Mid sized maps - perfection
  3. Big maps (Red Desert, Surroundings of Volo, Pradesh, Big Tunisia ) - why bother spawning in, 9 minutes watching your crew locked vehicles is more fun
  4. Winter maps - still do not know why they had to add winter variants to all older maps, it is just cancer
  5. Battle mode - just no, most of time I either yolo rush and move to another battle or just camp at one place for 9 minutes and then leave of boredom
  6. Domination (3 caps) - probably only enjoyable mode in game
  7. Conquest (1 cap) - depends, if cap is in middle of map then it is playable, if it is on side of map then it is not worth to spawn

me 3

In generally agree, but there are some maps is just suck, their spawn point can see the enemy spawn point

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Next time you are crew locked you can fill out the poll lol.

What is good vs bad, is 1 good and 10 bad?

The other way. 10 is good 1 is bad.

In short, this.

1 cap maps = 1 point
small maps = between 1 or 5
big maps = 6 and 8

That’s it.

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Filled it. It was a great reminder of how many maps in WT I dislike.