I saw a post of someone complaining about the Hungarian voice lines being wrong so i decided i will make my contribution against this act of violence as well, this time for the Czech voices with the help of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eivNWTuw9cs
0:30 “Zahájit palbu” This line plays when artillery is being called by the crew and the more correct way to say it would be “Zahajte palbu”
1:13 “Mise selhala” The word Selhala or Selhat means to fail (mostly reffered to when an engine fails) but the more correct way to say it in czech would be “Mise byla neúspěšná” literal translation would be Mission was unsuccessful
1:23 “Do vozidel” just seems wierd the translation is “Into your vehicles” which is dumb to say when your crew is already inside the vehicle.
1:27 “Posádko na pozice” should be “Osádko na pozice” small correction. Posádka reffers to troops that are stationed in for example a garrison. Osádka reffers to the crew of a vehicle such as tank/plane etc.
2:09 “Zničit” This line plays when the artillery is given orders to “destroy”. The line itself doesn’t really make sense in all of the languages and should be removed at the least. Also “Zničit” is directly translated as “To destroy” so the correct way would be “Zničte to” which means “Destroy it.”
2:16 The previous guy said Julia (yu-lee-yah) which is the correct way but this time this other dude says Julliet which is the english and thus the wrong way to say it.
3:13 “Posádka neschopná” never heard it in game, but i will correct it either way. Again the word Posádka should be Osádka. Also the word “Neschopný/á” would be translated more as “incompetent or disabled” so is the guy saying his crew are a bunch of morons? Or does he want to say the crew has been knocked out which would be “Osádka vyřazena” OR “Osádka je neschopná boje” meaning the crew is unable to fight.
3:35 “Střílení světlic” Not sure where this plays but if the crew is the one to fire the flares it should be “Odpaluji světlice” or “Střílím světlice”
3:40 “Fragmentační střela” means fragmentation shell and should be “Tříštivotrhavá střela”
3:44 “Nabít silnou výbušninu” translates to “Load strong explosive” the correct way would be simply “Nabít HE” or just “Nabít výbušnou” which means “Load explosive”
3:49 “Nabít H E A T” is just dumb and the correct way is “Nabít kumulativní”
3:54 “Nabít H E S H” another stupid way to say it “Nabít HEŠ” or just use “Nabít výbušnou”
4:05 “Nabít dýmovnici” the word dýmovnice means smokehouse… “Nabít kouřovou” is better.
4:25 “Noční vidění vypnuté” is correct if the gunner is saying it to the commander. If the commander is saying to turn it off it should be “Vypněte noční vidění.”
4:30 “Noční vidění zapnuté” same as the above just for turning it on “Zapnout noční vidění”
4:42 “Složit lopatu” means to fold a shovel. The one after saying “Složit radlici” is the correct way to say it.
4:45 “Snížit lopatu” means to lower a shovel, the correct way is as stated above “Snížit Radlici”
5:48 “Vrtulník” its correct just noticed when you range a helicopter in game the guy says “Letadlo” meaning airplane instead of “Vrtulník” which means helicopter.
5:51 “BMP” is the english way to say it, in czech it should be “BVP” or “Bojové Vozidlo Pěchoty”
6:04 “MLRS” i dont think the M270 MLRS is in game, if it is reffering to a multiple rocket launcher it should be “Salvový Raketomet” or just “Raketomet”
6:05 “Metná délka” translates to “Sweeping length”??? I noticed the crewman says it when ranging a target. In that case it should be just “Vzdálenost” which i noticed the crew already knows how to say.
6:19 “Prémiový” and “Prémiové vozidlo” ??? It means premium and premium vehicle. Not sure if the crew is supposed to know a vehicle is a premium in a game called War Thunder.
6:23 “SAM” is the english way and the czech way is “Protiletadlový raketový komplet” but i did notice the crew says it when ranging/scouting a tank destroyer which is an issue in all of the languages. The word for tank destroyer would be “Stíhač tanků”
6:25 “SPAA” is the english way the czech one is “Protiletadlové vozidlo” (anti-air vehicle)
6:34 “Vyslání průzkumného vozidla” means “To send a scouting vehicle” which in english doesnt make that much sense either. The correct way is “Pošlete průzkumný dron”
6:40 “Vyslání UCAV” We don’t use english terms
6:44 “Obnovení průzkumného vozidla” Didn’t know you could restore a drone. Also the correct way to say it is “Průzkumný dron obnoven”
6:52 and 9:33 and 11:50 “Naše brnění je narušeno” means “Our armor has been disrupted” which is wrong and should be “Náš pancíř byl poškozen/prostřelen” meaning “Our armor has been damaged/shot trough”. Also the word brnění reffers to a suit of armor as in medieval times, pancíř reffers more to the armor of a vehicle.
7:00 There are many ways of saying the word Hit. My question is why dont i hear these in game? In game the guy says only one phrase for both destroying and hitting an enemy. Also following that are many other voice lines of the guy telling you to move your gun to the actual direction if you miss your first shot. Why arent these included? Makes the experience much more immerseful.
7:27 “Únik paliva” and “Ztrácíme palivo” means fuel leakage. Why doesnt this one play when the fuel tanks are damaged?
Following this there are many other voice lines that were never used.
8:04 “Kulometník omráčený/v bezvědomí” The word Kulometník is grammatically wrong, the correct way is “Kulometčník” which means machine gunner.
8:55 “Pásy nefungují” means the tracks are not functioning which is a very odd way to say your tracks have been snapped or destroyed. Just say “Pásy zničeny”
8:59 “Pásy jsou funkční” means tracks are functioning. Again very odd. “Pásy jsou spraveny” is much better.
9:22 “Přišly jsme o kolo” means “We lost a wheel”. Are wheels going to have a purpose confirmed?
9:41 “Kulometník” instead of “Kulometčník again.”
9:50 “Pohony zbraní opraveny” means “The drives of weapons are fixed” the more correct way is to say “Pohony děla jsou opraveny” which means “The cannons drives have been fixed”
9:55 “Dělo v provozu” is odd to say it means the gun is running like a conveyor belt. Just say “Dělo funkční” (cannon is functional) or “Dělo opraveno” (cannon fixed)
10:15 “Porucha zvedací jednotky” Doesnt make much sense. The correct way would be “Porucha náměrového mechanismu děla” whic means “Failure of the verical aiming drive.”
10:20 “Zvedací jednotka opravená” Again makes no sense. “Náměrový mechanismus děla opraven” is better which means “Verical aiming drive has been fixed.”
10:52 - 11:04 “Ztratily jsme protiletadlový/směrový kulomet” First of all ztratit means that you lost it somewhere. Second, the word směrový kulomet means directional machine gun which i am not sure what it is reffering to, probably the top one like on the IS-2 or Tiger II because it is also reffered to as the protiletadlový which means anti air. Anyways it should be “Kulomet byl zničen” which simply means the Machine gun has been destroyed.
11:25 “Střela” “Střela vystřelena” “Střela nasazena” is the primary reason i made this and tears my ears. This line plays everytime you are about to fire the gun. In order the translation is “Shot (as in a round/missile)” “Round fired” and “Round deployed” which is so wrong when it is heard in czech. Please stick to just “Pal” which means “Fire (the gun)” or “Střílej” which means “Shoot”
12:33 The loader now says all the round he is loading which i already touched on.
Thats all. I am aware that the voice lines were said to be a temporary change but it is quite a while this was said and i had to voice my discontent. Also i get the czech lines are not used by anyone but the czechs themselves or the people that play the only czech ground vehicle in game, but the issues are not only in the czech lines but also the other ones, especially the hungarian lines.
With that im glad you read through my rant. Thanks.
Also add czechoslovakia into war thunder