Wouldn't the Type 93 technically be able to slam on its brakes?

I mean, if you think about it, the Type 93 is a Toyota Mega Cruiser, which is a car, most cars can slam on their brakes to get a sudden stop, so the Type 93 should be able to reach a sudden stop rather than slowing down that it does in game, right?

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pretty sure It cant because of how the game models gears or something but I’m not sure exactly

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eh yes but also no

Because Gaijin still didn’t figured out that wheels ≠ tracks and usually, when wheeled vehicles should be faster actually has poor acceleration.


There’s a keybind for it iirc “Short Break” but it only works when you have no throttle input selected

When you slam on the brakes in game, since you have no traction, your wheel lock up and you slide.
If you absolutely have to short stop, bind a quick switch to manual gears, and drop in first before braking.
Otherwise if you want to effectively slow down without risking to lose control, just let off the gas.

maybe it got ABS?