Incorrect, it’s 50%.
43% want an alternate tank-only mode and 7% want CAS removed from GRB entirely, with no TO mode.
Thank you, I didn’t see that option.
I still think the data shows though, that a large percentage of the community doesnt have any issues with CAS being in GRB, but it needs changes and i think the results are semi-biassed as people against CAS are more likely to come onto the forums and vote than those that have no issue with it.
I think the first steps should be to resolve the issues with SPAA first and then if that fails, try a 2 week event with a ground only mode to test it out.
the results show what the whingers vote, want which is what percentage of the million or so active accounts?
I find it amusing how the CASvocates are so quick to scream “BIAS!” when the publicly available poll results aren’t what they want to see, yet also at the same time having zero credible evidence to prove there is any form of bias.
Pretty funny stuff.
What data ? Every time there’s a poll it always shows that more than 50% doesn’t want it or want it to change heavily and everytime the pro CAS go “oh no but wait those arent’ reflective of the community”. No one likes CAS, except for those who abuse it, deal with it.
The same can be said about the TO advocates. ;)
Those who dont like it, will come onto the forums and complain about it. But those who do like it have no reason to come onto the forums
If it was the other way rouns, and CAS was too weak or SPAA to strong. Youd have more people coming onto the forums to vote the other way.
The data will always be inherrently biased.
If nothing else, that data is not a landslide. Its 50/50 split between those who want CAS in grb and those that dont. Are changes needed yes. But deleting CAS for ground modes will have far greater negative impacts
And if they were opposite, the anti-CAS league would be screaming BIASed data. Not going to matter. Gaijin isnt deleting CAS from GRB.
Combined arms is inherrent part of WT. Hint, why we have drones and dedicated CAS premiums like the Su-39.
But answer me this. Delete CAS from grb, where do those wanting to play helis or CAS aircraft play?
There is only a small amount of people who want to delete CAS. Most of the people prefer addition of the new mode.
Heli PVE? Air RB? Air AB? Air Sim?
It’s not the ground community’s fault Gaijin shoe-horned in a bunch of vehicles (helicopters) that simply do not belong, unless you want to put them into their own Air PVP mode. I’m tired of tankers being asked to “take one for the team” whether it’s helicopters, bombers, strike planes or something else needing a mode where they get shit on because their own mode isn’t fun enough.
But spltting the community is going yo be an issue. Same reason naval EC is only active on the weekends.
Fixing the problems with things like SPAA buffs and spawn point changes will benefit even more
The community is already split in 14 or so game modes dude.
The changes are only going to create issues on the other side while not repairing the problem only easing it.
I’m not responding your “OH WELL YOU JUST WANT CAS DELETED” strawman, which is what is is because you can clearly read.
Crap, one of the buggiest things ever added too WT
This is the only option, but most dont like SB settings. This is where i usually play CAS, but it has its issues.
Point is, delete CAS from grb, then might as well delete CAS aircraft altogether. Weve been waiting for a decent heli gamemode independent of GRB for over a year now
That is why most people want another mode.
Muh splitting the community.
Muh queue times.
Cool story, let us delete every game mode except for one game mode that has all vehicle types in it then because of MUH QUEUE times and MUH SPLIT COMMUNITY.
Additionally, if a tank only mode were added and it starved out combined battles then that speaks for itself.
Okay, please provide any evidence otger than the poll that the anti-CAS want to remove CAS from GRB? I see none. The poll is 50/50 split
Precisely. The issue is not CAS in grb. The issue is CAS need somewhere better to go like an RB EC mode or an actually fun Heli EC mode.
There is nothing wrong with GRB in its current state, just spaa need a buff and people need to better at using them