Having finally gotten to top tier I have some minor adjustment on my stance, but it has also confirmed some points too
Points that haven’t changed
The biggest issue in my opinion is the lack of viable SPAA for all nations. Pantsir can deal with almsot any threat that faces a team, but other nations barely have anything. This leaves SPAA a very one sided situation.
CAS from BR1 to about BR10 is mostly fine in its currrent state and there isn’t much I think really needs to change, other than bug fixes (AAMs on helis are completely useless) and rolling out more SPAA to fill in the gaps. Whilst some elements are strong, not a lot is all that hard to deal with
Strike drones need burn in the fires from whence they came.
Points that have changed
Top tier the situation changes.
Jets I still dont think are actually all that strong still, in the skilled hands they can do a lot of damage, but they are also not undefeatable. The helis however are very strong. The ability to spawn in a heli at the start of a match needs to be fixed. It can be extremely devestating and not always easy to deal with. Top Tier helis also have a lot of range and are very hard to kill. Weapon systems like IR guided AAMs are basically rendered useless and the imbalance between nations is obvious regarding their AGMs.
So whilst I dont think CAS jets need all that much of a change. Helis specifically need some nerfs. Mainly in form of SP costs inceases) Especially the Ka-50 and Ka-52. My god, they are broken to all hell.
SPAA needs buffs accross the board except Pantsir which I think actually needs some nerfs.
Heli spawns from game start need to be removed and the spawn cost for helis increased (maybe doubled+) but I dont think CAS jets need any change at all. (It costs nearly twice as much for me to bring a Tornado Gr1 with only dumb bombs than it does to spawn in a heli with AGMs. it makes no sense at all)
Heck, i can spawn in a heli with only AAMs for less than another tank, but i can spawn in a heli with a full loadout including 16x AGMs for less than i can spawn in a Sea Harrier with only AAMs to provide CAP. Even though it has no A2G weapons equipped and is a lower BR. How does that even work
Strike drones still need to die in top tier, but at least SPAA can actually shoot them down (well if you are in the right SPAA at least)
I still dont think we should remove combined arms and I think TO games would essentially result in that to be honest. I think I’d rather see the issues addressed first, rather than a “bury heads in the sand” solution. But now im in Top tier GRB. I begin to understand where some of the calls for this come from. I never really found CAS in low tiers all that strong, and even in the mid tiers and slightly high tiers, it was effective, but not that OP. But I can see in the top tier. there is definetly a major imbalance.