Would you keep playing the game if all your matches where uptiers? (GRB)

Every BR you would play at, you would always be the lowest BR vehicle in the match.

You say it like it doesn’t always happen /s.

Honestly, probably not. The compression is too bad, and WT needs an entire gameplay overhaul in order to be fun for more than a few matches a day for me.


For real, I want to be positive, but I unlocked China from 3.7 to 8.0 with no premiums, spading everything on the way there, and I can count on 1 hand how many 120 and 150 SP matches I got.

It’s just demoralizing right off the bat, seeing 100 SP over and over. And the loss streaks, dear god help me.

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Depends on the vehicle. Some, I don’t have issue with uptiering - others, I leave the match immediately and do something else. I don’t play piñata too well.

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It depends on the country. Some countries vehicles are at BRs where they remain somewhat competitive, even in an uptier.

Others no way. Gaijin has pushed them (for balance reasons) that they can barely compete now at their own BR. In an uptier, it’s almost impossible to be competitive so crew lock it is as I leave.

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We all get uptiers so often because in every match the matchmaker is forced to only allow 4 top-BR players per team.

In a 16v16 game, that means we all have a base 75% uptier rate. That number further gets influenced by proximity to a popular BR above or below your current BR.

If we want this to change, someone should suggest removing that 4-man limit on top-BR units. Then, the matchmaker would be able to stuff say all the 10.0 premium trash all against itself without needing to black-hole everything below it or pollute everything above it.

Then you wonder why people think those top 4 players/vehicles are any good and will that make your team win, considering both sides are generally made the same.

Most will fall in a range of 0.7 already.

Every match has top BR people so they are not getting an uptier. And people at same BR as you will be in games they are top BR.

Yeah I would, like some have said before 75% of games should theoretically already be an uptier. However some BR’s would be pretty much inaccessible in some nations because of this. The ability to get consistently ‘punisher’ or ‘rank does not matter’ is a nice bonus. If it’s a constant .3 or .7 uptier it won’t even hurt that bad, as that’s about as average as can be in this game.

I still think the 4-man limit is archaic and should be experimented with being removed.

It was put in place back when we still had the old armor meta of tanks, and it was possible back then to be the sole Panther uptiered to fight potentially a whole team of IS-3s, with very predictable results.

Now, there is hardly a reason to leave in such a mechanic given that the proliferation of LOLpen go-karts, as well as more recently direct-fire artillery, exist to rein in heavy spam.