Would War Thunder be a better game in the hands of the modding community and away from Gaijin?

We cannot know the limitations of the engine as none of us reviewed the github, nor have the programming expertise to disseminate it.
In-fact, zero people thus far has disseminated Dagor 6.5 despite it being available for review for over half a year now.

I am being positive; it’s just I am positive in the direction of the developers with a solid track record of improving aspects of the game and engine consistently rather than ideas that have even harmed DCS instances, though not as much as I fear some WT players would.

We do not know what WT 2026 will look like, and all we can and should do is prep well articulated feedback in word documents for the feedback forms that appear at least once a year, though this year will see at least two.

And I implore people to think of good ideas that aren’t drastic changes that the team can do; argue against your own ideas, find people to get other perspectives, etc.

I think community maps would be interesting. Not a fan of community balancing.


Any sensible person would agree with much of that

Yes fair enough ,wise words.

The issues is this though.If I suggested four years ago that the game was broken in so many ways you would have been the first to jump on and disagree yet we have all had four years of constant nerfing,reworking,map changes etc etc which prove that the game was indeed broken four years ago and full of issues just as it was four years prior to that.So I ask,when did the game ever work? when will it ever work? when is it finished so we can all enjoy it?

You and I know this game cant do No CAS/TO only because of balance issues(supposedly)
It cant do no Uptier/Downtier,it cant do Era separation ,it cant do era specific maps and it cant do map rotation. It has no way to integrate new nations into the current meta.

It is limitation all the way for us as players and for Gaijin as developers and a company wishing to sell and make money as is their right.

The whole forum is begging for things the game simply cant do so what is the future? A dead old game or the phoenix from the flames?

Devs need specifics as well when it comes to feedback.
“Balance is broken.” They’re stuck with their own analysis.
Me prepping “9.3 air would gain more players if it was decompressed.” gives them more information.

The biggest things players want all rely on the most labor intensive overhaul any developer can do: AI.
Few developers do it, and those that do take years.

A new AI for War Thunder means PVE modes, sim EC that functions, improved air RB mode, and so forth… all reliant on AI that can use and be limited by the vehicles they operate.

Cause right now air AI is its own FM, and ground they go 80kph regardless of the vehicle.
AI is the single thing holding War Thunder back and few players both accept this and apply pressure, not spam, pressure.

Nothing stops the devs reading the forum like we all do.
It doesn’t take long to sort the wheat from the chaff.

So much has changed in the last 12 years.Players these days wont tolerate the unfair nature of an up tier anymore ,they know they can bale so they are so BR is redundant,hell they wont even drive for a couple of minutes.

The 6-7 BR stinks ,the mix of WW2 Slow and heavy vs fast and able to pen 300mm is just so shockingly bad that its just a constant whine of this forum.For many this is where the game dies.Back to 4BR they go.Then we have those who are using 5.7 props as CAS at 6.7 because its all they have and get uptired to 7.7 and spawn miles away from the game in fast jet territory.So it goes on.Cold war should be celebrated but its something people pass though now.Real shame.

If we cant diversify in the framework of this old and limiting game them take the brilliance of WT and expand it.
Same company same players more money in Antons pocket and freedom for the devs. Instead of one WarThunder it’s three.

Its like a football team leaving the old stadium they kept patching up for a brand new one.

Wait until you realize how fast Tiger 2 and T26E5 really are.
6.7 remains the most popular BR for every tech tree, with 8.0 close behind.

Wrong end anlogy you fracture teh amount of people in stadium and force three sperate stadiums and even more stadiums because every one will do there own thing. This is the sure way to kill WT and gajin as company.

Centraliciation is key.

It’s just a hypothetical question. What if …? Would the situation get better/worse? That’s an interesting question.


Idk I like vanilla Skyrim without any mods, mods usually break the immersion and aren’t lore friendly. Would love to see more official DLCs for the game instead.
For WT you already have enough of power to create custom models, skins, locations and etc. All of it is outside of random battles which is nice.

This game under the control of the community would be horrid.

Basically, you should know a fact, War Thunder is a MMO game, the basic logic here is, any MMO game will not let any modder to touch core of the game, you could add custom vehicles, add custom 3D models, SFX, camouflages but you can not touch the game core.

Anything you can do about modification should under the rule of community, and we do actually support such mods like SFX, custom maps, custom models and vehicles for you to test in singleplay mode.

And if you have super work in custom vehicles, that could really help our developers to impletment some vehicles into our game, we have a revenue sharing program, you could find it on our wiki or community live page. But it’s not so easy to make such mods because it will cost too much time and energy to complete an independent game mod project.


Thoughtcrime detected, statement doubleplus ungood.


Is the game not already under the control of the community? Are they not the ones calling for small ,featureless maps and no uptiers etc? I certainly think the modding community saved FO4,maybe not so much skyrim.I think if this game wants to last much longer then something needs to be done.

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Saved Fo4 ? What are you talking about?

You compare a singelplayer game with a MMO platform. This are Appels and Patotos you compare. Its wrong.

In a multiplayer game every one has to play by the same rules not by 1000 made up ones by who ever wants and can change them.

Not mention now you set a singel shooter that pretends to be a roleplaying game with a multplayer vehicle combat game. I dont undertsand what you want.

Games like WT and any other multiplayer game demand and need centralization. Fractureing is the end of that game.

if you wan to compare a bethesda game then try F 76 but I guess you will not because even there are no mods simply because bethseda is not giving up its code to let people change the “envisond” balance and gameplay and style they want.

It sounds a bit heavy but it does raise a question.If this game is or was so good then why rush in an change maps that have been the same for years? Does a map not stay the same for a long time because its good? Tunisia certainly worked and it was generally a fan favourite so why annihilate it? Poland was another great map ,almost 3 maps in one and now runied with a quick wave of the pen.Why? There was no vote to my knowlegde.My take is that the community might at least have more vision and self belief than Gaijin has already and my issue is that Gaijin are only destroying all their own good work.There was so much to love about this game to balance the bad bits but Gaijin removed them.The game looks bad without its clothes on 😆

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You need to check your translator bro …just sayin

It could work only if good players are going to take care of it.

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Yeap, of course.


We even had the Player Council thing… cannot remember what it was called exactly now… but the point is, it was destroyed from the inside out by said players…

^ This guy gets it!

You can do that with the CDK…

And if the map is posted on WT.Live the Devs could add it in game if it is popular and or the Developers like what they see


This is interesting.Player created maps.Might stop some complaining.Be nice to see the community put its money where its mouth is and see if it can actually do better when making maps or discover that making maps to appease everybody is harder than it seems.

Maybe when I said Mods I was thinking more of the creation club side of things where some official game elements were fan made originally.

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