Would some BR changes in the game be nice?

You’re right, you know? But the problem is that they don’t give it to him, and if they don’t give it to him, then my solution isn’t bad, using M60 ammunition against Leopard 2 among other tanks.

Abrams: 105mm cannon that makes it difficult to penetrate any 10.7mm tank, average armor, good mobility.
120S:120mm cannon that penetrates any tank up to top tier with ease, armored turret being that of the Abrams, only problem? M60 chassis

1.5s faster reload while being even faster is a big advantage.

Shoot at the driver’s port ?

You can hide, you don’t need to stay in spawn.
My question still stands, how can you dodge something coming at you that’s invisible ?

Sorry but it isn’t.
Everything points to the fact that you’re terribly wrong.

A1A1 has better gun handling, gun depression, reload speed, shell, mobility and only has worse armor against autocannon.
Yeah sure, both deserve to be at the same BR lol.

No I didn’t.


Just force yourself to go to the specific areas of the map.
This isn’t an excuse.

It can penetrate everything just fine.

Yeah it has mobility of a 6.7 heavy which hampers it quite a bit.

I have both and the t55A’s only bad mobility is in reverse, its apfsds is not bad, only someone who doesn’t know how to play would say that an apfsds in 8.3 is bad, plus it has good armor. As if that were not enough, it is a terror in 7.3

It can kill mbt’s on very rare occasions, and frontally it is practically impossible,For the gepard, even eliminating an abrams is an easy task.


  • T-72A from BR 9.3 to BR 9.7 with the only reason of yes? Since when the MBT-70’s mobility is in par of the T-72A’s mobility?

  • MBT-70 from BR 9.3 to BR 9.0 is not needed, the vehicle’s armor, firepower and mobility says by itself, the spaced armor gives a huge advantages over chemical and weaker APDS FS ammunitions, like the 3BM25 you state seems to be good enough for increasing its BR;

  • M1 Abrams from BR 10.7 to BR 10.3 is not needed, since any other counterparts also is a BR higher, it’s balanced, if you want your vehicles to go down, consider the others too, like the Leopard 2A4 and similars, T-72Bs and similars, Challenger 2 and similars and so on.

  • 120S indeed has a good turret armor but the same can’t be said to the chassis armor, and the limiting mobility, the current BR makes this vehicle effective, no need to be changed, as any other vehicle you suggested,

  • Leopard A1A1 also doesn’t need to go down, just because it’s the “same” as other vehicle, which is not, you clearly pointed:

It doesn’t need to go down, is a mobile vehicle, with good ammunition and good gun handling.

  • T-55A to BR 8.7 means literally destroying this vehicle, and from what I could find in your profile, not a single match was been logged on the T-55A in your service records, neither in arcade battles or realistic battles;

  • Gepard going from BR 8.3 to BR 8.7 is also not needed, compared to the ItPsV 90, it has a limiting mobility, which I may assume is the reason for this BR difference;

  • M247 is a very effective anti-air vehicle the proximity fuse ammunition is one of this key characteristics, by this logic, the Gepard should be BR 8.0, Zsu-23-4 at BR 7.7.

  • VIdAr, PzH 2000 and PLZ 05 certainly would need a BR change, but at the moment, the entire game needs a BR decompression in my opinion;

  • Object 292, currently at BR 10.7 doesn’t needs to go down to BR 10.3, is undoubtely a effective vehicle at any BR I assume, the armor is a trolling machine, like throwing a D 20 dice.

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If 120S is to be 10.7 then give it 1200hp engine pack, the optional package of hydropeumatic suspension and m60s ERAs on the front hull cuz rn that thing cant survive anything
For MBT-70 or kpz or xm803 the armor capability is missing due to the fact that all mbt-70 inner armor has been taken out and replace with cheaper armor layout(savaged armor)
Abrams is fine at 10.7 it just need m833 or perhaps faster turret traverse speed cuz irl abrams turret is faster than ingame
T-72 is perfectly fine at 9.3 because m774 can frontally pen it close quarter and the usual T-series weakspot
Pzh, vidar should be around 8.0-8.3
10.7 should be good for the 292 cuz its basically point and click then wait 10 sec and p n c again, it can pen sep v2 turret armor both side and break the leopard wedge

Here you have the reason, sorry I said data from when the tank came out and when they made its first BR change which was to 10.3, I even remember when it was 10.0 it was terrifying to see it

The problem is that the M247’s radar is pitiful, its tracker fails and doesn’t show you where to shoot. I can show you videos to prove it, it only shows you an approximation of where to hit.


Regarding the M247’s radar performance, you can’t expect much from a prototype vehicle, neither the Zsu-23-4 which is inferior to the Sgt. York, while you can’t engage targets over 1.25 km, the radar has some huge performance issues regarding the locking aspect compared to the M247’s,

Due to the lower velocity on the ammunition, you are mostly useless at medium to long ranges, while the M247 can easily engage targets my 2.0 km up to 3.0 km with the proximity fuse ammunition.

I would prefer picking up the Zsu-37-2 over the Zsu-23-4 just because of the cannon’s performance in terms of velocity and against armored targets.

M247 can even intercept bomb sometimes and overpressure is pretty dope

As I said before, regarding the arguments you used to suggest the battle rating changes to the T-55A, you also doesn’t have any records on the Zsu-23-4, neither in the T-72A, neither in the Object 292, neither in the Leopard 1 and in the VIdAr, which I assume you’re basing some of your arguments on other’s experience.

Better armor, better gun, mobility>>1.5s faster reload
Especially if you stop to think a little about a 1vs1, both are normally recharged and there the t72 has a total advantage.

It doesn’t always work, rather 90% of the time it doesn’t work, it happens that you break the driver’s window but either you don’t cause any damage or you leave the driver yellow.

90% of the time you don’t have time to hide before a GBU falls on you, if you do have time you have to pray that when you advance there isn’t a light or medium aiming at the exit of your spawn and also try to find a spot where you can shoot well while hiding. To your question, sometimes (99% of the time) the radar fails and does not tell you exactly where to hit, just an estimate, proximity munitions explode prematurely and do not harm the plane,The plane sees the explosion and has already sighted you, which will make it move away, keep its distance and finish you off as soon as you get the slightest bit distracted.

Argue it, I already gave you two arguments: 1-poor estimation of where to shoot 2-the ammunition explodes prematurely too many times. Do you want to see videos?

Oh, so why is the m60 RISE at 8.7? Just because of the ERA armor? The m60 has poor mobility, moderate armor, average APFSDS, slow reverse, explain it to me, go ahead

You know that all maps have completely flat areas? Maybe if you had gone there the depression would not have been a problem for you.

Leopard shooting at Abrams: the way is clear
Abrams 10.7 shooting at a Leopard 2: if I don’t hit the driver’s area I’m dead.

Top tier firepower, in exchange for low mobility, when I use the m1 abrams and the 120S together I normally do twice as many kills with the 120S than with the m1 abrams, there must be a reason, On the other hand, the other Abrams with the 105 mm cannon, the IPM1, I have no problems with it, its ammunition is good.

Chaparral can intercept missiles.

In the M247 it certainly is, my mistake was to generalize, the radar fails and does not track well where to shoot which causes you to have to aim personally, while the Gepard’s radar is totally accurate.

I have both as well and T-55A is simply inferior to A1A1.
It’s dart is worse than DM23 that’s for sure.

Armor is only viable against autocannons, in literally everything else it’s inferior.

Saying it’s radar is pitiful means you never tried Shilka’s.

KPz-70 is both faster and reloads 1.5s faster with the same shell. What are you talking about ?

Source: trust me bro ?

You have absolute no clue what you’re talking about.

No I don’t.
I’ve used M247 and it’s working just fine.

I’ve explained why A1A1 can’t be the same BR as T-55A.

Just force yourself to go to the specific areas of the map.
This isn’t an excuse.

They have comparable levels of armor in a 1v1 scenario.

The mbt70 has better speed, the t72 has better mobility, better armament, better armor.

When they hit you in the chassis you hold on sometimes, but if they penetrate you they hit you in the ammunition and you go boom, if they hit you in the right area of the turret with the APDS of a Leopard 1 of 8.0 your MBT70 goes boom

The penetration of all the tanks you compare them with have at least 400 mm of penetration and more, the M1 Abrams does not even reach 400, the armor of the Leopard 2-T72B is better than that of the Abrams.

I said it in the sense that the 120S is more effective than the 10.7 m1abrams in terms of destruction.

Read everything, better apfsds and stabilizer, the t55a It has good shielding to compensate and also has a stabilizer.

1- I have used it on 9.7 without problems, 2- I have 5 accounts and have given my soul to the snail at extreme levels. Look for an account called GaDeD

Both vehicles are terrifying due to their APDS

It fails due to poor tracking of where to aim given by the radar while the Gepard or ZSU radar are totally reliable.

We agree

My mistake, when I wrote it I had in mind the output BR of the object when it was 10.0, that’s why I put 10.3, I’m glad it’s in 10.7 because I remember finding it in 9.0 and trembling with fear

increase air BRs to 20.0 and ground to 18.0 because mid tier compression is just ridiculous for both modes. i wouldn’t change many vehicles general placement other than things like the K9 thunder (VIDAR) pzh 2000 and all similar SPGs going up drastically.

OBJ 292 and 2s38 would of course go far higher than they currently are. Light scout vehicles like the AML 90 and fox I would push up a tiny bit after decompression (xm800t would be pushed up to what is currently 8.7 as it does better against that BRs paper vehicles and is OP compared to its peers)

until the scimitar is fixed id place it down to the same BR as the tiger 2 as its not very mobile (only just beats out a cromwell on flat ground) and has armour that cant stop 5.56.

ww2 jets would not be seeing korea war or vietnam stuff either. a ME262, meteor or vampire facing late sabres is stupid unfair

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This is factually untrue.

Lol and that account also has zero games with T-55A.

Both are at a similar level of quality in my opinion, as is the m60 RISE

I don’t have the Russian Shilka right now, but I do have the Israeli one. I don’t think there will be much change.

The problem is that I didn’t talk about the KPZ70, check the MBT70 and the KPZ70, they seem the same but they are not, they have the same ammunition, but the KPZ70 is superior to the MBT70, the KPZ70 reloads faster and has a better engine.

Source: Do you want videos of even how it fails with helicopters?

I know exactly what I’m saying

It’s weird because any video there is of the M247 doesn’t say anything good about it, you almost always see it as the “weird anti-aircraft”

But there I told you about the m60 RISE, does that seem more similar to the t55A to you?

So you’re telling me that if you have a bad canyon depression you decide to go for the worst place for your tank? I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but if you know you can’t be effective, why would you go there?

Abrams: Almost entirely green
Leopard 2: Only penetrable point? Driver’s zone

I like your way of thinking

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Why yes, move one of the best SPAA for its BR down.

Surely an M247 is equivalent or better than the gepard, right?