Would it be possible to create ground only battles?

Good morning all,

I understand some of us have fun playing the game as it is actually and i respect that, and i don’t want to remove your fun.

But i don’t understand why it is not possible to get a new gamemode with only ground vehicle for people who are not interested in planes or air in general.

I like the game as it is, but i think it could be really appreciated by ground focused player, and to keep it fair with the one who play the actual mode with planes (who play with more risks) the rewards for ground only mode could be slightly reduced.

I know this is an often reported topic, but as long as it is still an issue for some of us i am adding my post to the list.

thanks for keeping this post positive, hope to see you on battlefield.

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It wont be added.

The game is a combined arms focused game and the devs want to keep that.

And to the “where are the player spaa in air rb?”, almost no one wants to try to get air kills in a wirbelwind while on a 20X20km map. If they can figure out how to have it be playable for the average player, i wouldnt mind if they just combined the game modes.

I personally dont want it because it would give gaijin the green light to one of two things.

A: have vehicles that have no way of getting kills/scoring meaningful points in a gamemode.

B: ban vehicles from certain gamemodes that use that type of vehicle. Ex: banning a certain tank from a gamemode that uses tanks.

I think they should work on making the current gamemodes fresher and rework maps before trying any new major gamemodes.

There are already threads about this up where you can discuss it, please don’t create newer ones.