Worst ground map discussion

So there are tons of map in the game that having some retarded spot, so what is the worst map in game for you guys? For me is this

and this


Reason: The point I hate in the first map (Eastern europe) is everyone at the northern spawn will just skip the B point the going to flank the enemy spawn form their spawn. The other thing is t all of the point are too concentrated which make the losing team harder to turn the match after they losing A point or C point, the team that control all point can just sniped the enemy team just players who just come out from the spawn point.

And what I hate the most at Ardennes is the spawn point. Who think that having a map with 2 spawn point that can see each other is a good idea? The northern spawn is still acceptable because they can just drive down the hill within the spawn protection but the situation at southern spawn is totally disaster, route to C is totally exposed to enemy sight, route A & B just slightly better because you are going downhill but due to the gentle slope you will also exposed to enemy sight and they can just sniped you out before you getting out from the spawn


Attica is one of the worst because I get 40fps on it(and it’s just poorly designed in general), when I average 60-80 everwhere else.

It’s so much worse on the winter version since you can very easily see the spawns from across the map.

I think the worst overall is this tiny version of ardennes.

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I second that.

I always liked eastern europe but the new version isnt as good.

Attica and all new(old but updated) snow maps


Yeah Eastern Europe is pretty bad. I’d add almost every conquest map with single spawn locations. No map should ever have a single spawn location. Most conquest maps are just butchered domination maps that remove flanking abilities.

Overall gaijin needs to do better work on map design instead of wasting resources on auctions or “improved” play profile screens. I’d even include vehicles in the list of items that can be put on the back burner if it means we get better maps.

i17 zone is a good camping spot lol

Eastern Europe got better for the average player after they added B point across the river. Before that, the team that actually tried to push that flank without enemy countering it would just club everyone camping in the “main” part.

That version of Ardennes I do not like that much but it does allow for some interesting tactics. You can also drive literally all the way behind the south spawn without being on their spawn radar, which is comical.

Maps that I truly dislike are Seversk and it’s reskin, Test Site.


as an aviation player, I have to say I really hate the part where air is airly air

It depends on the br you’re playing. You could argue 450m poland map is worst at 6.7 br but its nice to play at 12.0 br

  • Abandoned factory remake. FPS went down even though most of the map seems fine esp. switching to plane it freezed so badly when strafing.
  • Attica suffers the same problem.