With all lowest T3 BR planes moved to tier 2 we can't grind with WW2 units anymore

It’s either playing events/BP or missing those vehicles since I’m not buying them in the Gaijin Market.

That’s exactly what I’m trying to do, play what I like while doing the event but unfortunately that means a 25.6% cut on my score in every match, meaning that I have to play for longer periods. The result is usually stop playing for a while after events when in old events I would not stop playing and I would even enjoy the new vehicles I just won.

The question is, are these kind of restrictions positive for the game?

I understand what you mean. I guess I have played so long that I no longer care too much about those shiny new vehicles; I have enough to play with, and definite favourites. I don’t have the time to play for hours in a grindathon.

I completely agree that the restrictions - and they seem to be increasing over time - detract from the game.



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Some event vehicles are some of the best in the game and I wouldn’t want to miss them, I used to play both air and ground events but now I got to choose one cause I don’t have time to play both when you need around 6h-8h a day for each. I used to enjoy events, now I can’t say the same due to the amount of time required. I end getting sick of them and the game.


Are you joking ? Battle of britain planes are not iconic (spitfire mk1 and mk2, hurricane, BF 109 E3) ? Pacific war planes are not iconic (F4F, A6M2, Dauntless, Avenger,…) ? All these planes are not T3…

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Most of them were never ever RIII, this is about the few that just went down, yes?

WWII versions of all these planes mentioned are in RIII and can be used in Events. And people seem to get to RIII in a week so not the largest ask.

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Spitfire Mk 9, Mk5C, Typhoon, every seafire, all Mosquitos.

F4Us have countless T3+ variants, as well as F8Fs. I’m so sorry your 1930s aircraft aren’t on-par with mid to late-war aircraft, but it’s entirely BR based.

I was answering to TheArticFoxxo who said almost all iconic WW2 are T3 based so there is no problem keeping T2 planes out of the events and the grind for warbonds, which is not true. Some variants of these planes are indeed in T3 but it was not the case of versions involved in some famous battles like battle of britain and some other planes doesn’t have T3 variants (F4F, dauntless, avenger, and so on) , but I guess he doesn’t like realism or history.

Why are you talking about F4U ? F4F and F4U are not the same plane at all… Well nevermind I still don’t get why people like you prefer forbidding using Tier 2 planes or tanks in the events/warbonds…

Did I ever say otherwise?

I never said I advocated for that, but I don’t get why people like you are so offended by slightly differing opinions.

Because you said “quite literally ALL of the iconic WW2 aircraft are rank 3.” which is not true at all, most 1944/1945 planes are indeed T3, but not most of the 1939/1940/1941/1942/1943 planes. Just a funny simple example following your explanation: the Stuka is not iconic ?? Well we definitely doesn’t have the same definition of what is an iconic WW2 plane.


Fine, huge overexaggeration by me

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I met in my last match exactly such a kind of player which i mentioned earlier in this thread - low tier clubbers with thousands of hours in rank I and II planes, clubbing new players (15.000 kills vs 3.000 deaths) but suck in rank III or IV planes.

Just watch the replay and look for the vehicle stats of the enemy A6M pilot.:


And exactly due to such kind of players it is good that the rank III limitations for tasks are in place. Otherwise these players would ruin even more the low rank experience for rookie players.


In your opinion it’s better for “rookies” to have an easier experience and face less experienced players, in my opinion the best way to improve as a “rookie” is to face better players. It’s different opinions.

As I said above historic events used to force you to play tier 1 and 2 vehicles in some of the days, I believe Pages of History monthly events also do that. I never saw any complaints about having experienced players playing them.

Then you have the event vehicles that can be used on current events, do you really think that seal clubbers don’t own them already? What you end doing with these restrictions is not protecting “rookies” but letting clubbers do their thing with no opposition.

I think we leave it there.

Seeing your points you argue with “learn from experienced players”.

The main issue i have with this is that the experience advantage (including crew skills) of veteran players vs rookies has nothing to do with learning. Even as an halfmost experienced pilot i have zero chance in a rank I reserve tier plane fighting vs a better plane with an aced crew (in case i start a new tech tree or even a new slot).

So in such scenarios all you can learn is to prolong the time you get killed.

Effective learning requires some success otherwise people develop negative emotions which either push them away from the game, or they get toxic.

As i said earlier:

The only exception of this rule is if you play there to gain crew points with a bomber (imho one of the easiest ways) and if you avoid clubbing guys with 20 minutes experience in Air RB.

I have done this with the 2.0 Ju 88 A-1. So i played 141 missions with 80% WR with only 2 plane losses. My 14 kills were side effects whilst bombing the enemy airfield and not by actively trying to seal club. Totally different approach to the guy in my last example.

In any case i hope you can accept deviating opinions like me, they are part of our life and a discussion does not need a common opinion about things.

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So what you seem to be defending is that no experienced player should ever play lower tiers, but you, “halfmost” experienced can. Is that what you consider fair for “rookies”? Cause it sounds a bit selfish.

I also have to disagree with your opinion again, you don’t improve as much by playing against worse players than you, but against better players. As in many other things in life. But I guess that there are people nowadays that want everything easy or for free and if it requires some effort they are out.

Since when I need any excuse to play the lower tiers that I spent my time grinding or those that I spent my money on or those that I’ve earned in events? I play what I like and with all the respect but it’s not you or anyone that tells me what to play and how.

I accept all opinions, including the ones that are different from mine, doesn’t mean that I agree with them. And I honestly don’t know why you felt the need to write this since I basically said “It’s different opinions”.

As a veteran player, I think that this game got a lot worse than it used to be due to those players that usually see the excuse for their failures in others and not on them.

As long as you ignore my main point - there is a difference between starting a new tree and deliberately play rank I & II to sealclub - idc how this sounds to you. Either you use a translator and don’t get the point or you are ignoring it on purpose.

Actually you are not playing rank I and II to seal club - and as long there is something like freedom of speech i write what describes my thoughts. And gaijin made the decision to exclude rank I and II from tasks.

This comment has nothing to do with my position regarding “rank I & II” seal clubbers nor with the topic.

But - actually i share this pov.

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English is not my first language and I don’t need to use a translator but I understood your main point clearly, the problem is not just “rookies” to face experienced players, the problem is you facing experienced players. You don’t care about “rookies” as long as it’s you who’s having an easier match. For you there is no problem for “rookies” that play tier 3 or above.
I understand why Gaijin put up this rule, to protect those that still play lower tiers, but that ended the moment they added the lower tier event vehicles exception. And guess who owns most of them, the experienced players that played this game long enough to earn those event vehicles.

I don’t need to play rank I or II for that, I simply don’t play it cause it’s not what I like to play but I would like to have the option to play it if I decide to, since like I mentioned above it took me time to grind those vehicles or it took me money to buy them. Freedom of speech is limited by the rules of this forum, as long as you respect them you are “free” to say whatever you think and I never said otherwise, again I don’t understand why you keep saying stuff like this, first about your opinion and now about what you think. This is a place where people discuss opinions and thoughts, I don’t have to agree with yours and you don’t have to agree with mine.
Yes, Gaijin made that decision a while ago, but like I mentioned several times above it was not always like that, there were events where Gaijin, the same that restricts you from using them now, would actually force you to use them if you wanted to participate on their events. In my opinion, which is different from yours, it’s a wrong decision. The OP seems to have a similar opinion as me.

If you want to protect “rookies” from experienced players then put restrictions to Matchmaker by player experience(whatever that is) instead of making players not be able to use vehicles they like, like some of the early WW2 ones.

Just read my post (where i described my low tier experience + results whilst playing the Ju 88 A-1 at 2.0 in Air RB to gain crew points) again and you might realize that your conclusion is flat wrong.

My experience helps me to identify such clubbers long before i am in danger, but rookies have usually neither the time nor the experience to check the enemy player cards (and vehicle stats) before they engage them.

I am not sure why you add such remarks, for me it simply looks like you you are not fully aware of what you are posting in this thread.

A short rerminder

Actually you are expressing your own opinion and thoughts the whole time and if others do this to a far lesser degree there is no way not to understand my pov or why i am adding explanatory remarks.

I am not your enemy and have no hostile intensions towards you or others. As a matter of fact: I actually liked some of your posts in this thread.

But to accuse me being selfish or assuming i would have problems to deal with seal clubbers could be seen as hostile act.

Your are just not a fan of being told what rank you should play, and you want to have an easier grind of events/BP with vehicles below rank III. Full stop.

And i am not a fan of people with ~ 50.000 arcade battles ruining the entry levels for starters. You played roughly 800 battles in the last 2 months and ~780 of them in the same rank III tank, so which rookie shall compete with you in a rank II tank? Please see this as a rhetorical question.

There is nothing wrong with asking to have an easier time but you might avoid such remarks:

As your position is clear enough it would be great if we can end this here.

Have a good one!


You probably missed this post of mine:

Anyway, see you in the next one.

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