With all lowest T3 BR planes moved to tier 2 we can't grind with WW2 units anymore

Oh I understand, and I agree in large with what you have said, but I don’t think that many players abuse the lower ranks as what seems to be the consensus by many. But something that cannot be verified one way or the other. It is clear that the game does not want players using specific vehicles, and I have to assume that this is based of the “data” that they use, which is clearly skewed in much part as we can tell by the way the move things around and change BRs. Here’s an example; friend of mine, who doesn’t normally play Sim air, does the 75,000 points for the daily max in this event in TWO games . . . 2, another plays RB naval and does it in 6 games. I play the same usual 4.3 fighter line up in AB Air and can literally play 12 - 16 hours and not make it to 75k. Why? . . this “multiplier” system that is so out of touch with the game and how the majority of players play every day simply penalizes the vast majority of players. Newer players basically can’t participate, unless of course the buy premiums or already have low tier event vehicles . . . which is much harder since they are . . . new. And moving certain vehicle down to tier II is merely to stop players from being able to use them in events(where they are penalized anyway) and completely remove them from doing BP tasks. It seems to be by design and is kind of sad . . . hand hold the few, penalize the rest . . . oh well, I just play what I enjoy, I don’t “grind” too much anymore and just do BP stuff, which I can do with tier III & IV stuff easy enough and still have fun . . and that’s all I do now . . . play for fun. The grind is a bit too tough for me, being old and all . . . lol. And I don’t really play the high tier stuff much anyway, so all good . . . just a little disappointing . . . especially with this “Roadmap” and supposedly trying to make things a little easier . . . hard to see sometimes.

Gaijin just read psychology 101, everything about the game is just textbook manipulation, all these changes they make are to get you to behave the way they want you to, which in this case is pushing you further and further up the tree and removing the ability to play lower BR stuff.

They constantly move things around that ruin your lineups, changing tiers and BRs to break up effective ones and force you to play different things, same BR vehicles in different tiers seems innocent at first until you want to start researching the next tier and you’re crippled, better buy a premium tank there.

The crew lock system also exists for only control, it limits your progress to the speed they want, especially when they paired it with the rewards not scaling beyond 10 minutes, so you could only get so much per 10 minutes, and if you left you got a crew lock and your only option is to play a different nation which halfs your progress by splitting it over multiple trees.


lol . . I don’t think it’s any kind of “sinister conspiracy”, even tho I don’t agree with every little thing or some of the moves. We just get to play the game we are given as best we can. So I won’t be getting my pitchfork & tiki torch out . . . lol. And as for crew lock, it in no way was implemented to “slow progress” as you have stated. 1 reason, because players kept leaving games at the start of the match leaving their teams “handicapped” and making the games unbalanced from the start. Now this was for a wide variety of reasons, and the players have even managed to come up with more reasons now and the 1 death leavers, so . . . A few players bring a lot of this stuff down on us all, by their actions . . . just how it is . . .

I don’t think I implied it’s a sinister thing, but I’m saying they do it for a reason and it’s not just random or for our benefit, there are many obvious signs of the psychological manipulation that is common in a lot of videogames, especially mobile games.

Players leaving at the start of the game don’t exactly progress fast if they have a 7 minute crew lock, how does that not slow their progress?
The time after which rewards were capped and the time crew lock last are similar, meaning your progress is controlled per 10 minutes.

You do know if you only have one vehicle equipped in GF, you don’t get crew locked.

Yeah, because that plays into their monetization scheme, it facilities those who buy a single premium vehicle.

Why keep restricting events to tier 3 or above(or previous event vehicles) when we get non stop events all year and we already have event multipliers based on tier?

Let players play what they enjoy, no one likes to be “forced” into playing something else. I probably won’t use tier 1-2 cause that’s not what I enjoy the most in this game but I would like to have that option available if I feel like playing it.

On old events like War Thunder Chronicles players had to play tier 1-2 on some of the days, there was no issue then, it was hard for beginners then as it is hard for beginners now.

I understand that Gaijin wants players to play less populated game modes and tiers, like naval or top tiers but at the cost of the majority of the playerbase is a big mistake.

Not to mention that this kind of restrictions removes value from tier 1-2 premiums(or non premiums), I own most of them and I basically have no use for them since I’m either playing battlepass or events.


Not, really since now any new premium you buy comes with backups. Meaning if you try to ODL you’ll get crew locked in that vehicle.

Like 10 or something, and pretty sure backups dont trigger crew lock anyways.

Force the population to a smaller bracket and towards the grindy part of the game where they’re more likely to spend money on more expensive premiums.

For me tier 1-2 doesn’t even exist anymore, the moment I see a new premium listed as tier 1-2 I instantly don’t care about it because it’s useless.

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The problem is that there are very fun premiums and regular vehicles at those tiers that are wasted due to these kind of restrictions. We already have tier multipliers, there is no need to keep this rule at least for events.


P-63, P-51, P-47D-22/25/28, P-38J/L, F8F-1, F4U-4, P-51D, P-51H, AM-1, AD-2/4, the list honestly doesn’t stop if you play america. Germany gets the 109F-4+, SSSR gets the La-5 series and Yak-3s, quite literally ALL of the iconic WW2 aircraft are rank 3.


The tier multiplier also makes it no point playing those tiers. There is a reason no one uses the low tier event vehicles even though they qualify for the events.

I’d rather play something I like than something I don’t, and I’ve been playing the last events with the worse multipliers there are, Tier 3 Ground AB, which takes me around 25.6% of my score every match.
A few years ago I used to do events with 9.0-9.3 tanks but with the non stop CAS kamikaze madness I simply stopped playing them.

And I’m against the multipliers but if they exist then there is no point in keep restricting events to tier 3 or above.

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It does not take any time to get to a rank III. However, Sweden, 2.7, SPAA (that is very very strong) will answer some of those issues.

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Not justifying every change in Tiers (not looked, Tempest Vickers now makes sense), but in theory reduces “seal clubbing” since Events are now 24/7.

Nothing erong with sitting in Tier 2 forever but the requirements provide incentive to at least play Tier 3.

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With the balance in teams ,“seal clubbing” is the least of their problems at every tier.

I don’t have a single tier 2 tank in my 50 most used tanks, got 2 tier 1 premiums though. And in my top 10 I got as many tier 3 as I got tier 6, I play what I enjoy and I don’t like someone telling me what to play and how to play it. This is exactly what Gaijin tries to do with these multipliers.

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It is more that there is meant to be progression, but War Thunder is just a confused game due to the grinding conflicting with playing what you want to have fun.

Put it this way, if all Events/Tasks were not limited (in which vehicle) then I am sure there would be a LOT of players just hammering the lowest zones. This would not be from interest but for making the Event progress easier for them.

Then you are a new player and those “abusing” (context will split abusers from just players) the low tiers will possibly tip the balance on how playable low tier is.

I was running a 3.3 the other day (Italy and new vehicles) and both teams were all squads (4 man) and pretty much all level 100s. That could be a bit of more off putting if this became a norm. And just in case you wondered the teams played REALLY badly, imo, using a Dom map like Conquest by avoiding 2 out of 3 caps, both squad lots (either team) seemed to want to only have their fun at C on Ash (well apart from the me v 3-4 enemy at B, which I didn’t hold solo).

(My most played tank is a rank 2. But that rank 2 was played at 4.7 to 7.7, mainly 5.3+. In fact out of 2000+ battles about 20 of them are at 3.0 and all this year.)

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Maybe it’s time to have less events in this game so that people can actually enjoy the game without having to worry about grinding (or progression) and actually play for having fun.

I used to do that between events but now it’s impossible cause they are non stop.


Events and BP are not compulsory.

Just enjoy the game your way - it is much more relaxing. I don’t bother with the crafting stuff - way too little time. And the BP is not worth the effort required most times if you really analyse the effort/enjoyment calculation. Just my .2c.
