Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

my personal favourite is this:
T-34 “leopard 1”


Yeah, my bad, I didn’t see it

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Yeah, also my favorite

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You could also add the 9K31 Strela-1

the strela on the wheeled chassis?

ig i could but its moreso a BR 10.1.5 vehicle lol

yeah, lol

I was at the Deutsches Panzermuseum a couple of days ago and they had a T-62 there. It had the DDR emblems on the turret, tho i can’t find anything about it being used by the DDR. I did find something about a T-62 being gifted to the BRD by Israel. Might be interesting

T-62 (Object 166) - Tank Encyclopedia (tanks-encyclopedia.com)

hmm well definitely can be added, ill look into it

I did find this picture, according to where I found it, it’s a T-62 in East-Berlin. Tho I think this is a Soviet one and not an East-German one.

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these two arent the same are they?

that could theoretically become real if they removed all the soviet vehicles from germany and did a similar thing like israel where you have to unlock rank 5 of either germany or russia to start grinding it. it would serverly nerf the already existing techtree but gaijin never really cared about germany anyways. It would definitly solve the problem in simulator battles where germany fights with the western planes against NATO countries. also if you already grinded the vehicles in the german tree you would keep them but had to unlock them in the new tree all over again

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guys whats the number on this?


98 + 29

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its one of the three airframes?

98 29 is DA.1.

One easy way of taking a good guess at whether its a service airframe or not is if it has the EADS, BAE or any other company that’s not Eurofighter GmbH or a military (E.G Luftwaffe, RAF…) logo then its probably a DA or an IPA.

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still we can have anything in german markings so this should NOT be an issue (fingers crossed)

Bundesarchiv - Bilddatenbank

I found this about the T-62. The Bundesarchiv says that these are T-62’s on a parade in Berlin. Though, I’m pretty sure those are T-72’s, because those tanks on the picture have six road wheels, while the T-62 has five and T-72’s have a HMG facing to the back of the tank.

T-62, see the five road wheels.

T-72, see the six road wheels.

This thing is interesting

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ATGMs or ballistic rockets?

The first picture is st-62 but the second are t-72 i think the website manager or who ever is responsible isn’t very versed in tanks

No, wait the pictures i put in the message are just for reference.

I meant this one

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