Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

Smin said no

Swiss is better for air and ground.
Idk abt Helis…
Should prolly look into that

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So maybe a Swiss F/A-18 Hornet?
F18 Suisse Air Force , AXALP | Fighter planes, Fighter jets, Fighter ...


Absolutely yes.

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My guess it would be after the F-4F (ICE) BR 13.0 or a “Small” chance a BR 12.7 Premium Pack.

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They shouldn’t really add any leopard that is better than the 2A7V for the next year or so, until they balance things out.

2A6EX and 2A7+ would still be worse than the 2A7V but would give germany some more uparmored Leopards to rival Sweden with their 3 Strv 122s

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I’m fine with them as soon as they balance things out at top tier. A lot of people like to forget that this game has more nations than just Germany and Sweden (and you could add Italy here, as they also have a 2A7 now).

The Strv 122s/2A7s are already 2-3 tiers higher than the next tank on the list, they are absolutely bonkers.

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Currently Sweden pretty much has complete dominance, and even bringing one nation with Germany up to par with that (atleast in terms of comparable MBTs, Germanys CAS is still garbage compared to Sweden) and then highly increasing the chance they are on opposite sides in matches would already do something atleast

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Which likely won’t happen. So all that you would do is make the game even more miserable for people who play the majority of the other nations, because we both know that Germany and Sweden would still spend a lot of the games on the same team.

I already very rarely get sweden on my team when I play top tier germany, so highly increasing the probability of them being on the opposite team, would make it even more impossible. But I guess thats comfirmation bias

The Strvs are absurdly good compared to Leopard 2A7V’s (which are 30 years more advanced?). They take alot shots into their UFP array. Leopards die quickly, unfortnately. Leopard UFPs let everything through, this has a massive ingame effect. Sweden is almost unstoppable. They rush in and score, while for more careful Ger players no kills might be left.



For me it’s the opposite. If I play top tier US or Israel I will spend a lot of time fighting GER+SWE.

I somewhat disagree. There are so many different factors like timezones, time of day, selected servers, playing in a squad, playing solo etc. that could mean that we have different matchmaking.

You can do somewhat similar things in the 2A7s. I recently spaded the 2A7HU after I spaded the 2A7V in January. Even with my brain turned off and somewhat sleep deprived I still manage to get a 1.8 K/D in it.

All you have to do is press W and shoot.

Isnt this kinda cope esq? The 2a7V has slightly worse hull armor over the 122 which is wrong but it also has gen 3 therm, L/55, and dm53. Seems kinda whiney to say the 2a7V is inferior no? Inferior lineup sure. But the 2a7v is definitely not worse than a 122. That just seems a bit silly. Their hull armor bounces the same from my experience or they both get breached by my JM33 or type 10.

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I play against Swe+Ger constantly when i play japan though its probably due to Japan and US playing together for most BR’s.

the issue its getting the armor fixed cuz the devs somehow copypasted the armor values of the STRV122 to the 2A7V and made it worse, and not only that its filled with armor holes just like the new armor for the challenger 2’s and 3

So I’ve never heard of armor holes, just the weaker front plate. My friend has both the 2A7V and the HU version and he hasn’t said anything about armor holes so i cant say whether thats real or not. Regardless Thodin is your stereotypical german main with his opinions on them its probably why i can’t take him serious with his opinions but I’m just wanting gaijin to fix my begleit rn so i can go back to farming money on my 9.7 lineup for germany. Can you tell me or show where the armor holes are? Cause i don’t notice any when fighting them. Unless its the plates near the drivers hatch which are supposed to bounce shells. Neither the 122s or the 2a7’s stop those 100% i normally either one shot through there or i have to shoot again since i was off a bit.

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they are in very specific spots ill try marking them for you but this is based on experience where i have penetrated before the 2A7V

this tests is using Type 10 round:
this ones are normally in the middle of the upper hull



there is one that happens some times that its in an area around the headlights where in armor simulation says you cant pen but in a match you can get pen’d in that area

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Is that not the same on the 122? I mean i almost never shoot there since i cant get a confirmed kill on gunner depending on my angle and elevation. Normally just easier to go for breech.

Basically anywhere below the lip i could pen. Seemed the same on my 2a7v

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