Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

Tpz fuchs is one… whats the other?

Thank u pacífica, o7 and good night


I have this on them:

Well its still just the fuchs but i really think it can fit right after the weisel TOW and before the hopefully incoming weisel MELLS

Rheinmetall now has now more info on their tank hunter.

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Ayyy this is using the same smoke system as was tested on the H145M.

Wiesel HOT when

Hopefully, foldered with the TOW one day

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Pars 3 mr planned for marder 2

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I hope we get a version with the PARS 3 MR single launcher because thats literally a plop on without any actual modifications required. (Like marder 1a- and 1a3)

There are yak-141 moment. But i can’t found any picture of it

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Jeez eurosatory is like christmas, Germany has a lot of future potential with ground forces.

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PARS 3 MR is FNF right???

yeah its just a shorter version afaik


Mothertruckers has made a modern Sturmtiger, lol
(Now put a HIMARS launcher inside of it)


It’s a laser beam rider, with it needing 12 seconds for 2km.

you sure?
i read about it being laser guided but i dont know why they would make the MR manually guided if the LR is TV+IR

170m/s eh?
thats slow…

Just what they say about it: Army Guide

I also found this one again, it’s from the first firing trials of the PARS 3 from a helicopter:


yeah this is the only frenchman that can get the PARS 3 LR with the mast mounted sight, i think its the AS365 dauphine

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