Wishlist for Germany (WIP)


GTK Boxer hebt Wiesel an
GTK Boxer und Wiesel 1A4

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Certainly. I already reported this back on the old forums, together with LaGS

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another tornado confirmed!!!
so we can expect this pod as well as brimstones??? (~20km range)
sigh but ofcourse, by that time the superiority of the Kh-38ML will have had its ease of reign.
and we might even see the new pantsir with even more range to counter the tornados

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How was it confirmed?

I would like the tornado whit the secret german airforce guided bomb it would be funny how gajin would doo it becous its maybe now 10 years old and still kept a classified weapon

taurus or hope glide bombs, brimstones never were a thing

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if theyre holding back some capabilities that are not game breaking, and the vehicle itself is different from any in game, then it is basically confirmed to come to the game someday at least.
(disclaimer: by confirmed i didnt mean that it will be coming in the next patch)

on the german ones?
i thought i read somewhere that they could use them.
germany does have them though so in the LW (aside from the tornado) only the EF can mount them.

i guess its only for them?

if its a secret how do u know about it 👀👀👀

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Finally, a reason to play German air again!

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Maybe lol… I’m currently trying to get a suggestion passed for the Su-22M4 “Fitter-K” (its not rlly different but it’ll be like the MiG-29G, the same vehicle but repeated to allow for better weapons). It’ll give Germany a standoff range CAS option with the Kh-29TE and anti radiation missiles.

For the Tornado SLE, it is under consideration to get brimstones but as of yet there is not much proof of any German Tornadoes to receive brimstones

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yeah , sadly the brimstones are only for integration for the EF, the tornado hasnt actively used or equipped them.
It was initialy planned for the assta 4.0 upgrade, but that one was canceled

btw whats with the different naming conventions?
its sometimes SLE, or ASSTA 4 etc

noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

if i remember right the SLE stands for Service life extension, its mostly to keep it running until F-35 can take over its job

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Anyone have that picture for the Extra PARS 3 for Tiger UHT???

Well my friend ther are dokumentry out ther from germany in german

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The only one known to use Brimstone is the British GR.4

There was some talk of integration onto German ASSTA somethings but nothing has come for it so far.

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