Wishlist for Germany (WIP)


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Nope lol. It’s in the list iirc

oh i know wich one now

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now i would really like to know what it does so i shall wait for the suggestion to pop out

Ohh, you made a suggestion for it? Nice.

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Surprisingly didnt take as long since theres not much about it online anyway.
I did contact rheinmetall though. Hope they respond with more info

Me-263 Scholle: Planned successor to the troubled Me-163 with several improvements including increased fuel load and a proper landing gear

Ju-290: Cargo, Recce, Maritime patrol and Heavy bomber, can carry up to 3000kg of bombs with Fritz’s Guided bombs, Hs-293’s Guided Missiles and Torps (A-5 variant), multiple variants can be added


BV-143: Not a plane rather a anti-shipping glide bomb, it was tested on a He-111


I would like to add some additional points to the Hs-132, there were 3 armed variants, the Hs-132A (only armed with a single 500kg bomb), Hs-132B (armed with 2 MG-151/20’s and a 500kg bomb) and the Hs-132C which can choose between the 2 following armament loadout options. The 3 variants also had separate engines

  • 2 MG-151/20’s and 2 MK-103’s (unclear if it could carry bombs in thing config)
  • 2 MG-151/20 and 1 1000KG bomb (either AP or HE variants)

@GHOST_KING5710 @Godvana @UnHolySausage

Its here guys!!!


Let’s goooo i can’t believe they approved the skygaurd finally we have the chance to get something that can fire more than 2 missiles at a time

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ikr im so happy broo

Btw guys…
Have you seen this?

Can we get a suggestion put up for a buff to the flakbus?

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weird, where did you get that picture from? seems like its the same as this one

eh dont ask… i was searching for more stuff about the skyguard-M and found this lol
lemme share the link


its kinda odd can it reallistically reload those upper missiles?

i would assume so
this is a picture of a photograph lol so i dont think its photoshopped. plus why

would be cool if you could add such modification to the already existing fla rak rad

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ill try making a suggesstion?
whats appropriate in this case?