Wishlist for Germany (WIP)


BGT’s Stefan Eckert says the missile will weigh 19kg (42lb), have an 8km (5 miles)-plus range and a maximum Mach 2.5 velocity.

LeFla resembles a scaled-down IRIS-T - being 1.8m (5.9ft)-long with a 90mm diameter. The MSK one-colour, imaging infrared seeker has a 70mm diameter uses a two dimensional matrix similar to IRIS-T, says Eckert. The scan field-of-view, is however, slightly less than the ±90° of IRIS-T, he adds.

Using the IRIS-T configuration gives the missile high manoeuvrability, says Eckert, while a datalink allows target position updates to be passed to the missile when used in the NLOS mode.

As with the larger weapon, aerodynamic fins and thrust vectoring control are used to manoeuvre the missile. Eckert says the TVC allows the missile to be used from vertical launchers. Bayen Chemie will supply the dual pulse motor.

From Flight International, 2000.
Stefan Eckert is the COO of Diehl BGT.

So not entirely unrelated, LFK-NG is based on IRIS-T technology


(Do you have any photos?)

The F4F can carry 6 but the germans didnt use it in that configuration.
The images available are of non german F4s with 6 mavs.

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Oh, still cool tho. Just waiting for the German F-4E without weapon limitations

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I have some boxer variants from my wish list.
Boxer crv

Boxer cmi 105

And for the skyranger there is the 30 and a 35 variants.
Skyranger 30

Skyranger 35


u forgot the best boxer, the rct 120 versions

Already in the list and I would never forget it.

If it’s capable then why not?

We know that other vehicles have received things they have never used but were able to(F-5C)

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We’re the 2S6 and Tor owned by the GDR? Or where they just trialed/leased?

The literal site ЧВК uses says these were planned for consideration to be exported to East Germany.
So never owned.

If some army was at Germany ground with these vehicles or if Germany helped with the development of something that’s automatically a yes for ЧВК.
That way they would ask for soviet/american armour and aircraft stationed on soviet/american bases in Germany, as well as vehicles as Challenger 3 all for Germany.

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Expect a new SPAA soon!
hope it gets accepted as a suggestion.
In my eyes its a great equaliser against the Pantsir, although even it wont take out an SM3.

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What is it?

oh think of a 6 shooter but german…
just finished writing a suggestion abt it today.
although tbh i couldve added more info now that i think abt it
its very obscure though.
i doubt many know of it
its still in the list.
props to the one who guesses it right


I hope it passes i will be waiting for it

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now im really interested

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well granted if coupled with the new SPAA reload zones at spawn aswell as the VT-1 or the HFK/KV this will become the most potent SPAA even if it cannot outrange the Pantsir (for now)


now you are obligated to tell me what it is

well hehe, the name has ‘sky’ in it…