Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

It had previously been stated by mods

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Added Fleet category and some suggestions

lies lol, there isnt any software limit. im studying software engineering, and the sky is the limit lol

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there are no limits, they literaly could add new pages like bluewater and coastline style, and choose what to research with the helicopter research they programmed


i once even had a thought that they should make a seperate GDR TT (starts at rank 5 or smthn and only unlockable via germany proper) and bring back some form of east vs west matchmaking

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That is not the same as adding another line in a tree when it’s full…?

they can just extend the research window as well, there is plenty of place to the left and right on the screen, there is no problems, only solutions

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It’s an engine limitation that hasn’t been resolved because the need is not there and the assignment hasn’t been sent out to fix it, lol…

literally just look at how world of tanks does it lol

War Thunder and World of Tank aren’t the same game…? What even is your point here.

that there is a plethora of solutions to that issue.
the software limitation is not the reason lol.
probably some other thing like balance or TT management

Then explain to me why we haven’t yet gotten a British light vehicles line or ZA aviation sub-tree?
It couldn’t be because of the 5 line limit right? /s

still generaly it is the best way forward, more sub trees are the best thing gajin can do, supporting new nations with the line ups of already existing nations.

You wont have another case of israel,japan and similar where there a massive gaps in the tech tree or key elements like spaas are missing. You can focus on unique vehicles and can reduce on copy pasta stuff

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Nations such as Israel and Japan get sub-trees exactly for those BR gap reasons, Germany isn’t one such nation.

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yk in the code all they have to do is add a class for a new line?
if theyre using anything similar to cpp or java its damn easy, they just dont wanna do it

i speak of future nations to be added, you would create another case of japan and israel which nobody wants, just add them all to exisitng nations, as new pages like i stated

That still doesn’t negate the fact that it currently is a limitation, however easy a fix may be.
So long as they aren’t asked to work on it they won’t.

besides that germany has gaps, for future assault helis and the air tree is dead

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a limitation by nature cannot be ‘fixed’
this is a laziness issue