Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

Roland LVB


Is there any major difference or is it just have a different body?

no cooling system 🥵

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20% lower crew performance on Sinai

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i mean… for all we know the increased hotness might give them a speed boost…

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its worse but its at least an excuse to have a separate vehicle with HFK/KV


Also has hydropneumatic suspension

The Puma APC with a wildcat turret


Shoutout to TSGT for making a East German Su-27 skin so i can cope/seethe properly


Now i can fly a gdr flanker in china lol

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anyone else feeling like we should have the bmp-2?
at 8.7 i could use a fast firing ifv

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Damn, now I need ti grind the chinese air tree

Wiesel 1 TOW with the Barracuda system, maybe as a modification?

The two following vehicles are obscure but maybe someone has more information. The Marder 1 with the Hellebarde 75mm, a recoilless rifle.
And the Salvenautoma, a MLRS mounted on a IFV chassis (I think it’s a HS30) that shoots 160mm rockets from 6 barrels that are reloaded automatically 6 times so 36 rounds. Sounds like the Raketenautomat but way more powerful.


and these are confirmed real vehicles?

I tried to search the name and searching by image but I could t find anything on it. I did find these though. Maybe they are relate somehow?


i got another 2

Wiesel RMK30


Wiesel 1 Mells


the RMK30 its pretty interesting having a 30 mm recoiless autocannon that in tests reached more penetration than a normal 30 mm due to reaching higher muzzle energy than conventional 30 mm being able to fire in salvo’s or fully automatic at 300 RPM


Yes, they both are real to my knowledge. The Hellebarde is mentioned in IDR 1987/2 and IDR 3/1974. Also in this Chinese book:

The second one is said to be a direct image of the vehicle.

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Found this full shot of the thing


Thank you so much!!!
This is exactly what i needed my man!
Fr man. Bravo!

AND its the same vehicle!

Also has the image for the jagdpanzer thingy with the HOT missiles on a platform.
This is great!