Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

Hmm low teir td could be used but why did the gdr purchase these?

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He changed career path :D


Idk why they purchased them, my guess is that they were cheap. They didn’t serve for very long as they were retired by army in the 60s and the 70s for the Border troops.

What is this thing? I saw it in a video on 40 year anniversary parade of the GDR.

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It’s an MBRL truck.
We got these toys off things in game like the rocket wagon thing of wwii Germany

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Another new SPAA suggestion incoming hehe.
It can be a capable stop gap until we get the Rheinmetall Skyguard-M

Hint? I’m guessing Strela-10?

You guessed wrong 😋


Studying his true passion



Wrong hehe,
Hint: (its a roland system)

Is it the Flak bus with four launchers?

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Its the short flak bus with double the firepower!

Nice! I also have suggestion for a SAM pending, however it’s not German.

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Dare i guess the nation…

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Nope, it’s a successor to my last Sam post.

Oh boy a certain sir with pants?

It’s probably the last one I’ll do, and focus on other nations

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Good luck on it lol.
Cant wait for two 20km SAMs.

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The one I did is the ultimate variant of it with 40km range, so no way we see it until others also go beyond 20-30km