If it just based on MAN chassis it dont give a fact it should be in german TT. Probably this pantsir never be added if we dont get some arabian techtrees.
Regardless, this is a wishlist, not an official announcement. We maintain our desire for an SPAA option for Germany that deserves an 11.7 BR.
I dont want to get into an argument about how one or two other nations are also lacking, i am advocating for germany here and only germany
Ik, but yeah, this guy from russian forum always trying to get some in germany TT. Just to know.
I appreciate his efforts, and i must defend that his works are not restricted to german vehicles.
Regardless, personally i am aware of how low probability this is.
Germany has a higher chance of getting the Osa-AKM (9k33m3) than the Pantsir S1E.
I hope they got. But i hope they got more “self-producted” vehicles. Not some cringe copypaste from other nations.
ehehe… the Osa is a GDR vehicle so… while not yet in game it will probably come to both russia and germany, although judging by the TOR M1 treatment, Germany might still have a chance to be the sole owner of the Osa at least in game
Yeah, i think only germany gonna get OSA, bcs russia dont need new spaa after strela with system air picture data and pantsir with rockets firing in 20km radius.
Such Shells were captured and are located at the rammstein base in Germany. They were examined.
Which shells are you talking about, im about the export variant pantsir on MAN chassis, proove it if it have right now in rammstein base.
I hope this is ironic
i didnt add it so yes it was, besides, the T-80s rolled in to take over.
the frogfoots were stationed for service in the GDR, thats why theyre different
Another HS 30 derivative shown in „Typenkompass Artillerie-, Panzer- und Luftabwehrsysteme der Bundeswehr“
was an installation of a twin Oerlikon drumfed rocket launcher of 110 mm calibre. In the end, the multiple
barrel rocket launcher LARS 1 (RakW 110F) was chosen instead.
According to Waffen-Arsenal Band 124 Panzerjäger der Bundeswehr by Wolfgang Schneider and Lars Ukerwitz there were 2 prototypes with TOW missiles.
Marder I with 3-axis stabilized turret, heard it was a predecessor of the TURMS III turret, sort of like a proof of concept
Leopard 2AV (120mm)
added ❤️
APE (Amphibious Engineer Erkundungsfahrzeug) Rh202
The 320 hp diesel engine provides a maximum speed of 80 km/h when driving on roads. The speed afloat is 12 km/h due to two propellers.
is this platform different from the TPz chassis?
Built on the basis of TPz 1
hehehe, i see.
Also Pz III Ausf. B-J still have absurd slow turret traverse speed. Gaijin.net // Issues
And another, that was put as duplicate, which is just like the Tetrach one.
While i did the same kind of report,
as was made for the Tetrach Mk I, which had a slower traverse than the Daimler AC MK II and now they have the same 16°/sec aced crew speed.
Gaijin.net // Issues
When will the Pz III Ausf. B-J finally get their 14°/sec aced like the J1-N have? Especially at lower tier turret traverse is really important with thin armor and higher speeds of tanks.
I made that report quite some time ago, with no change to in game, i showed that the traverse mechanisms are the same, yet have different speed in game, the same as was made for the Terach and now it has a greater traverse speed.
i think you meant this for the other thread…
ill put it there tho
Leo 1 120/L44
We are launching prototypes of the Leopard 1A6 with a 120 mm Rheinmetall cannon. The prototypes included a new gun, EMES 18 fire control system (Leopard 1A5), overhead frontal and side turret armor, overhead turret roof armor, PERI commander sight and infrared exhaust suppression system.
Leopard 1A6 (VT2) prototypes with Rheinmetall 120 mm cannon L44.
Matador SPAAG based on Leopard 1 with a paired 30 mm cannon
Artillery rocket launchers based on Leopard 1
AUF 1 (Leo 1)
Leo 1 chassis with T-72 turret for Malaysia.
Leopard 1 Cockerill 3105
Roland Leopard 1
Chile is upgrading Leopard 1V to multiple rocket launchers.
According to sources, the tank is equipped with two launchers of twenty barrels each for launching unguided missiles of 70 mm caliber.