Wishlist for Germany (WIP)

In the Data of WT there is the 7,62 cm Pak 39 (r) unused. (Its basically a 7,62 cm Zis-3 drilled out to 714mm shells and as such simply a weaker Pak 36 (r))

But was it even used on any vehicle?

Contrary to what the image text says, those aren’t SS.10 mounted on the Munga. They’re Cobra.

Biber was pretty extensively modified by Germany after capture, with bow and stern extensions that more than doubled her length compared to when she was Faa di Bruno in Italian service. The issue wouldn’t be whether captured ships go to everyone, but how to balance a barge with a top speed of just 3.3 knots (6.1 km/h) but armed with a twin 381mm turret

Also it was the USA that got Prinz Eugen after Germany’s surrender, not the UK.

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The UK was the one who captured PE they then sailed her over to the US where she was given to the US and renamed USS Prinz Eugen.

I don’t believe in captured vessels to any degree in-game, i dont think its necessary nor helpful.

Gaijin wants to make that sweet premium banking


BOZ EC – Enhanced capability


BOZ EC is a highly effective, combat proven, countermeasures pod for high performance aircraft. BOZ EC has extended pre-emptive and reactive self-protection capabilities through missile warning and flare cocktail dispensing.

This Enhanced Capability is available as an upgrade to the original BOZ pod that is operational on the Tornado Aircraft in all user nations. Using the battle proven BOZ EC pod provides for lean aircraft integration with turnkey ready self-protection.

BOZ EC implements the Saab CIDAS-100 Compact Integrated Defensive Aids Suite into the BOZ pod.

BOZ EC contains five pyrotechnical BOP-L 39 dispensers and four Missile Approach Warning (MAW) sensors in the aft section. The dispensing can be performed forward and downward or sideways in two adjustable directions.

The pod can be mounted on either side of the aircraft while through the adjustable dispensing direction still ensuring safe separation of expendable countermeasures.

The BOZ EC pod has a Ground Support interface that provides for ground crew Built-In-Test indication, power indication, ground based end-to-end testing, initiated Built-In-Test and an Ethernet based data port.

Saab receive orders for self-protection equipment for German Air Force’s Tornado
Defence and security company Saab has received three orders for self-protection equipment for the German Air Force’s Tornado fleet. In total, the orders amount to approximately 100 MSEK.

The contracts entail certification and limited production of the BOZ-101 EC podded self-protection system, including the MAW-300 missile approach warning system, as well as development and qualification of a new cockpit control unit for the pod.

“These orders mark the first contract with Germany for Saab’s MAW-300 missile approach warning system. It is a breakthrough and a strong vote of confidence in Saab as an electronic warfare supplier,” says Micael Johansson, Head of Saab’s business area Electronic Defence System.

The German Tornado IDS and ECR aircraft are expected to be in service for many years to come. The BOZ EC family of pods provide the Tornado fleet with integrated missile warning (MAW-300) and cocktail flare dispensing capabilities to defeat advanced threats.

A version of the pod, BOZ-102 EC, is in operational use within the Italian Air Force since 2008.

Development and production will take place mainly at Saab in Järfälla, Sweden and Centurion in South Africa.


I kinda want to see a Leopard 2a4 evolution


Probably will only come with the late Tornados like the Gr.4 and ASSTA3.1 ingame

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GTK Boxer hebt Wiesel an
GTK Boxer und Wiesel 1A4

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Certainly. I already reported this back on the old forums, together with LaGS

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another tornado confirmed!!!
so we can expect this pod as well as brimstones??? (~20km range)
sigh but ofcourse, by that time the superiority of the Kh-38ML will have had its ease of reign.
and we might even see the new pantsir with even more range to counter the tornados

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How was it confirmed?

I would like the tornado whit the secret german airforce guided bomb it would be funny how gajin would doo it becous its maybe now 10 years old and still kept a classified weapon

taurus or hope glide bombs, brimstones never were a thing

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if theyre holding back some capabilities that are not game breaking, and the vehicle itself is different from any in game, then it is basically confirmed to come to the game someday at least.
(disclaimer: by confirmed i didnt mean that it will be coming in the next patch)

on the german ones?
i thought i read somewhere that they could use them.
germany does have them though so in the LW (aside from the tornado) only the EF can mount them.

i guess its only for them?

if its a secret how do u know about it 👀👀👀

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Finally, a reason to play German air again!

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