(WIP) Modern IR (FOX2) Missile - History, Performance & Discussion


Maneuverability refers to the ability of a vehicle, aircraft, or ship to change direction or position with ease and precision. It is a measure of how well a vehicle can perform different types of maneuvers, such as turning, accelerating, decelerating, and climbing or descending. It is an important factor in the design and performance of vehicles, and can affect their safety and effectiveness in different types of operations.

you list the IRIS-T as having worse acceleration and maneuverability

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YES, and was a video where 9x unfolds 90 degrees almost in place

no idea what thats supposed to mean
but you’re wrong.
i make a whole ass post about the iris-t, explaining it in detail and this is the result…

what a lost cause.

why do i even bother


I’m not saying that the Iris-t has poor maneuverability and acceleration, I’m saying that it’s worse than the aim-9x. the end.

“Why do I even bother.”
I don’t know, maybe it’s because of fatigue.

Calm down guys,

@reinshil i’m sorry but i agree with @Faster_Boiiiii and the 9X indeed has worse maneuvrability than the IRIS-T.
The IRIS-T has a special booster that help it to turn as sharply as possible off the rail. The IRIS-T only have a short impulsion while using TVC when it get out of the rail to have the tigthest turning circle possible., and then the main booster kicks in to make the missile accelerate toward the target. A feature the 9X doesn’t have.
From video i ESTIMATED that the IRIS-T should be able to do a 180° turn in about 2s while the AIM_9X should able to do it in about 2.5s. So it’s close but the IRIS-T is still at an advantage.

The cost of this multi-stage booster is that the range of the IRIS-T is pretty limited.
And you should read the IRIS-T thread, it’s a good one.

@reinshil .About your list (even if its your personal opinion, i’m going to try to comment based on facts).

Difficult to compare but from best to worse:

Very low smoke → low smoke → smoky
AIM-9X/ASRAAM/Python 5 → MICA/IRIS-T /AAM-5-> R-74M
Don’t know about the other.

Acceleration (based on max range, because by accelaration i think you mean kinda max range and by itself it’s not that usefull)

MICA->ASRAAM->Python 5->R-74M ->AAM-5-> AIM-9X->PL-10 → IRIS-T → A-Darter

By captures target ahead of the curve i think you mean gimbal ?

If so:

100° → 90° → 60/75° → 60°

If you take about LOAL, then the IRIS-T/ASRAAM/MICA/Python 5/PL-10/AAM-5/A-DARTER are also capable of it.

By change the trajectory i think you mean maneuvrabilty off the rail?

If so:

IRIS-T-> AIM-9X/PL-10/AAM-5/A-DARTER → MICA/ R-74M → Python 5 → ASRAAM

TVC is the big upgrade here, since the missile can turn rigth off the rail.

Seeker wise:
From best to worse IRCCM wise:

Python 5 has the most pixel (320240) and is dual band
Mica has an unknwon number of pixel (High resolution but nothing else said) and dual band.
IRIS-T 128
128 but with special capabilities against DIRCM
ASRAAM=AIM-9X, same seeker, not the same algorithm behind tho, so one could be better than the other.
PL-10 : Said to be 128*128 (only rumors, no official statement)
R-74M: No IIR seeker, only a multi element dual band seeker.

A-DARTER : Somewhere between ASRAAM BLCK 6 and IRIS-T: Unknwon number of pixel and dual band. (and pretty modern)
AAM-5 : Somewhere between ASRAAM BLCK 6 and IRIS-T: Unknwon number of pixel and dual band (AAM-5B). (and pretty modern)

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its just the nature of the seeker head. while other IIR seekers are full frame and basically like a camera, the IRIS-T is 128x2 and scanned mechanically with a mirror like 80 times a second(to my knowledge. the actual scan rate might be different) so in case of a laser dazzler it doesnt affect the whole image at once

Here’s a cool video of AIM-9X turning tightly after launch (not claiming it’s better than any other missile, jut think it’s a cool video):

@Aurelian_ROW about this image that you posted:



Some issue i have about it:
First off all WTF is MIKA, the missile never was called MIKA , always MICA even at the start (since it4s an acronym).

Didn’t know the Python 5 used scanning imaging.
On the other hand i know that the MICA and IRIS-T indeed uses scanning imaging instead of having a FPA (or a full frame IIR).
While this is usefull agaisnt DIRCM, the image is rigth, missiles used this tech because full frame imaging infrared didn’t exist yet (also called Matrix).
The advantage of a FPA seeker are:

  • responsivity and response speed (lower latency)
  • Simplicity/reliability (no moving part)
  • higher frame rates (whole image instead of scanning 2*128 pixel 64 times for 1 image) (if the 80hz figure of the IRIS-T is true then it’s not mutch of a problem)
  • lower computational requirement (no need to asemble the image if the image is moving)
  • better countermeasures resistance ( scan the entire scene at once , the flare is imediatly detected)

That’s the one i’ve got on top of my mind, there’s probably others

Yeah those modern TVC missiles are really impressive.
That’s why when i see people thinking we need the 9X in game to counter the R-73 i’m always trying to tell them it’s too op.

Ircc the thing is that FPA seeker still have some DIRCM capabilities since the laser is going to blind only 1 pixel of the frame (the one that see the laser) or maybe a bunch of them but then the missile just goes “home on jam” and tries to impact the laser. It sacrifies it seeker but still know the general direction of the laser so it can just guide toward it.
It wouldn’t work only if the laser blinded the whole frame, but the same can be said of the IRIS-T, if the scan rate is 80 times a second then if all the pixels are blinded , when the scanner look at them it sees nothing.

RIS-T should be able to do a 180° turn in about 2s while the AIM_9X should able to do it in about 2.5s. So it’s close but the IRIS-T is still at an advantage.

more than 90 degrees per second

Acceleration ( kinda max range)

nope I mean instant acceleration. although this is debatable with 9x due to the lack of smoke.

i think you mean gimbal

close but in my opinion it’s called differently

100° → 90° → 60/75° → 60°

AIM-9X → 90°

And in general iris-t and aim-9x are similar in terms of performance characteristics.
Well, according to you, Python 5 should be better

(0:58) AIM-9M as always, a flying slowpoke, with an unstable flight trajectory.

And by the way, you don’t have data on the motor in the video irl, it has much lower acceleration and longer operating time.

There are even rumours that the IRIS-T can do up to 120g because of a comment made by Diehl BGT Defence

AAM-3 is already so hard to get info on, AAM-5 might as well be made up by Gaijin…

These are like the only things i have on AAM-5 and they still don’t really mention numbers




@Patriotic_FR I hope gajin consider another infrared Air-to-Air Missile PL-5E, PL-5E II, PL-8B, AIM-9M-8, AIM-9M-9, AIM-9L/i and TC-1 in first major update & second major update 2024

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full frame seekers cannot possibly provide the same accuracy. thats just how it is with lenses and a sensor. you get the same effect when shining a laser at your phone(dont try that).

the special thing about IRIS-T is that it physically doesnt “look” at everything.

This article is a summary of a research paper written by the same author on the resistance of IIR missiles to DIRCM. The conclusion is that full frame seekers appear to be highly resistant to DIRCM.

A DIRCM system doesn’t block out the whole seeker image on an IIR missile:

Even when very high power lasers are pointed directly into the seeker the seeker still produces a clear enough image to allow for home on jam:

There are other research papers online that also back up the claim of conventional DIRCM being ineffective against IIR seekers.

Here is the full paper by the person who wrote the article. This is the concussion:

The first section of this paper illustrated the capability of an imaging seeker to track as long as any target feature is detected, even in the presence of a large area masked by a jamming laser. The second section showed that the laser jamming signal does not saturate all of the focal plane and therefore the jammer (and target) location is still detectable, even when there is sufficient jamming energy to cause damage to the focal plane. It seems that the future countermeasures for imaging seekers are more like a DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) than a jammer, and such technology will soon be within reach13. Until DEW are used, the data shown above leads to the conclusion that simple laser jamming or dazzle will not be effective against imaging seekers.

thats pretty cool ig

i wonder if this is affected by the lenses