(WIP) Modern IR (FOX2) Missile - History, Performance & Discussion

No, developers have said that RB 74 (M) is a modernization. M is the modernization, not the AIM-9M.

It is assumed to be a Swedish upgraded AIM-9L/I-1.



Do you know if it will be copy paste of AIM-9M on live server, or if it will be differentiated from AIM-9M?

Will this missile get the smokey motor of the 9L?

Thank you for this, do you think the de-chirped 9Li will have much different performance to the 9M?

(Do you know what model 9M Gaijin is trying to represent in game?)

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As far as I am aware. All dechirped missiles have been hard denied

A mix of what reinshil posted (I think on the AIM-9 thread) and what I found on the internet.
I think the main source that I used is a random Reddit post. But I’ve searched on the internet and this random Reddit post is logical and in accordance to other sources I’ve found. So that’s why I kept it there.

An interesting post about IRCCM (especialy IIR seeker) by @Aurelian_ROW


Spooky, but this is also why I feel ASRAAM will be the most meta IR missile.

Firing first from the furthest range will be the deciding factor. If your missile is 40G or 100G you’re not going to defeat any of them in kinematics.

So the low/no smoke lofting ASRAAM is going to be coming for you long before any IRIS-T or 9X etc.

I’m really curious how gaijin could balance missiles like the asraam and mica ir they seem almost un beatable very little indication that they are even coming after you if fired at you from these long ranges

Sure but the MICA IR has a stated range of 60KM and a practical range of around 40km. All that with lofting, LOAL, IOG, and the ability to rate around a circle (degrees per second tracking) of 100. Aside from straight G overload pull I really don’t see how the ASRAAM is better than it in any way.

Even in G overload, the MICA is at a advantage.
50g for the ASRAAM and 50G+ and TVC for the MICA.
So at for tigther shot the MICA will be able to pull off sooner of the rail and will have sharper maneuvers.
The 90° HOBS seeker of the ASRAAM is an advantage tho compared to the 60° one of the MICA.

At longuer range the MICA will be 30G compared to the 50G od the ASRAAM. But anyways 30G is enough when your missile is already aligned with the target. The insane G pull the missile can make is more to aligne the missile to the target and then it goes for it but don’t need to maneuvers that mutch. The most the aircraft can do is 10-12G so 30G is already enough.

The ASRAAM is better in weigh, it’s a lighter missile so it’s easier to equip small figther will it (especially on wingtips). And again its seeker being capable of 90° HOBS is more capable than the 60° of the MICA.

What makes you think this? MICA VL is 50G still at 7km away. Is it still burning by that point?

Yeah the initial G capabilities of the missile is more so that the missile can aligne with the target. If a target is close to you on your 3 then having a 60G+ missile with TVC is going to be needed to impact the target.
Those G pull are only usefull in close range dogfigth.

You already saw in WT how the R-73 can sometimes pull insane maneuvers in dogfigth, well the 5th gen IR MISSILE are going to be even better at that

Depends if we keep the diamond missile indicator .
But indeed i feel like those missile will be at a clear advantage compare to the IRIS-T /9X. Even if those are better at dogfigth, the probability that you engage at less than 3/4km is very slim. Especialy if you still have a mid range IR missile, why go close if you shoot your missile with a pk>90% at 5km.
Would be interesting if they add the “missile interception” capacity of the IRIS-T

Just given normal kinematics the MICA should have around 50gs of pull out to 12km and 30g at 25km

Tbh this figure is still a big question for me. The 50G is anonced for when the TVC is still on.
But indeed at 7km the MICA VL should not have its motor burning anymore and should be gliding to it’s target so it’s pretty strange. The fact that the 30G values “up to 12km” is in accordance to the fact that the MICA while smaller than the Super 530D, it still has the same aerodynamical formula. So since the Super 530D is 30G a 30g (tvc less MICA) is logical.

An air launched MICA should be even better energy wise.

It’s true that i made my comment thinking the TVCless MICA would be 30G compared to the initial 50G of the ASRAAM (even if at 12km it would probably be more something like 30-45G depending of the parameters of the shot)

The Magic 1 and 2 have the same aerodynamical formulas while the Magic 2 improves upon the maneuverability by implementing dual plane. The same could be said for MICA. In order for the missile to hit a target that is 7km away, it would have to travel vertically first, which would be around 10km or more altogether. At that point, it is unrealistic to expect that the missile is capable of traveling 10km or so in 6.5 seconds.

@Faster_Boiiiii Since the dev thread was closed, gonna answer here. Although tbh I’m not sure on the effectiveness of spatial flares on 9M. They do slow down insanely fast, as they are basically like chaff but burning, so if the 9Ms IRCCM activates, they would have the same or even less effectiveness as basic MTV flares.

But I have no damn clue how exactly the seeker suspension is triggered and if it would happen with spatial flares

The AIM-9M uses three deafferent criteria to detect flares:


and all 3 need to be true? Then it might not trigger the size detection

Well, AIM-9M is currently massively underperforming and should have performance close to de-chirped AIM-9L tested by Britain.

Yep, seen that report before.