WinWing F-16EX & Orion 2 Joystick controls resetting every time War Thunder is Launched

I am using up to date drivers and everything for the joystick and base, I am just really frustrated. Every time I restart the game, the joystick’s buttons appear under different names, it works just fine for DCS so it’s likely an issue regarding the way the game recognizes the joysticks buttons. I can’t even save the keys, as every time I close the game, the previously saved keys are different from what they were just seconds before. its quite frustrating.

If anyone has seen this before or has any idea or where they could point me in the direction of a solution that would be much appreciated!

This is the Joystick I am specifically referring to

For those who also share this issue, the solution is to have War Thunder open with the joystick unplugged, and have the control file you wish to use loaded, then plug in the joystick/throttle, this forces the Winwing Software to recognize the keys accurately.

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this perhaps, but its a larger issue with having too many devices and some devices not being recognized correctly

Could you share your joystick controls setup with me? I have the same joystick but can’t get anything to work yet!