Winter maps

Can i ask why are winter maps so crap to play?.
you have Poland, Serversk-13, Ardennes, to name 3 of the revamped maps .
On the original Poland there were hills with rocks on both sides north and south but in wither mode they have melted by snow to hillocks on both sides yet on the left side rocks have grew. Why is this?
In real life snow and ice do not distort scenery that’s still there rocks included under the snow.
Same with Seversk -13 Scenery melts under snow in this game but not factually true
Ardennes cover that was on this map disappears .WHY.
How many more are going to become distorting scenery instead of leaving maps as they are and just adapt the weather around it .
Or are we going to see Santa Claus on frozen pass sitting behind a machine gun or 88mm at gun?
There good maps but the reworks for winter are stupid , unnatural and not worthy of the designers not knowing that we’d realise these changes to the gameplay .
Snow sticks to obstacles it doesn’t melt or drastically change the info structure around or under it


it even worse when you see there isnt even consistancy over the winter maps. it really shows how inexperienced gaijin is at creating their own games.

on the map arctic, airplanes, heli’s, especially jets, show a smoke trail. because its winter. its cold.

while on maps that had a winter version, like fields of poland (winter), the jets dont have smoke trails. gaijin simply made everything wite, and thought that was it. nothing else has to be done.

it just clearly shows and underlines the major problem of this game. gaijin cant do anything right. every 6 months they rotate their employees and make them do tasks they have no prior experience in. this way, they can keep everything fresh. this is why it takes 8 months to fix even the most basic of bugs. “getting a shell to hit a target”.

no previous mechanics are actually fully functioning properly. volumetric shells? only just now do they discover that APHE shells dont get warped into the void of space when they explode. they actually have a huge chunk of shell left that follows newton law and continues moving.

volumetric armor? sure, very selectively, some tanks have volumetric armor, and even then, only at the front. at all other occasions, its volumetric shells that get eaten up by improper game mechanics.

bad map design, that allows for overly spawn camping. you would think that after almost 10 years, they get it right.

nope, read the previous statement. gaijin rotates their employees ever 6 months to keep them inexperienced at doing a single job right.

and why would they do otherwise. where is their incentive to do right? world of tanks is a dying game. no other game with tank vehicle gameplay is actually big enough to compete. they can do whatever they want and it shows.


I like winter maps they remove some of the vegation and the grass that opens new fields of fier.
I play with full grass in gunner and outside view. I like alos the change in air desenty and how thermals work better. Also nice to have a place to use winter camo.

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They destroyed Poland completely on the A zone side.It is dead space now.It was fun to try and make the run up to the side and hit a few attacking A now that option is gone.
Stalingrad was both Snow and no snow now it is just winter which is a step back.

Only Frozen pass is a good fun map and maybe Finland but how long before they destroy those?

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hell. i dont know from which patch onwards, but trees behave like freaking ragdolls. unrealistically as hell. i drive over a tree, and its magnetically sealed to my tank. after 10 seconds, it finally removes itself. which dumbass came up with that idea, hu? sometimes they block you from being able to aim properly, cause it literally blocks your entire field of view. and you cant get rid of it easily as well. like, you come to a complete stop, that tree is literally magnetically attached to your tank. you have to wait out the 10 seconds until it finally stop colliding with your tank.

i also start to notice other collision model bugs. like, sometimes you drive over a small wall or some other random thing, your tank just gets launched into the air, like if that piece of wall was spring loaded. what is up with that, hu?


Winter maps are just bloat to make the game seem like it has more maps than it actually does.

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Less cover, and easier to spot tanks, which leads to the maps being more open, and therefore worse.


you take frozen pass snow that acts like snow not some sort of acid that dissolves scenery

also on serversk-13 winter those little snow piles by houses and such when you hit them instead of them just breaking up your tank hits them like they’re a brick wall

finland and frozen pass have snow that acts like snow with hills and rocks that dont melt

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cant wait to see white rock fortress itll probably be a copy of iberian castle mixed with carpathians and a touch of poland for added annoyance value

It’s been gone a long time.It was hell at low levels in under powered and unmodded tanks.

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I expect all seasons of map as a version. Summer spring, fall and winter. All with there quriks. Fall and Spring more water in rivers and lakes. summer less, even some places no water at all, dried out lakes and or rivers, winter snow and frozen lakes and rivers opening new avenous and closing others.

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