Will there any possibility that Scharnhorst will be reclassified as battleship

Everyone here will know that irl Scharnhorst was battleship(Schlachtschiff in native), not a battlecruiser. But Gaijin classified it as battleship, things that even english classification no longer do.

As Gneisenau modelling is confimed long time ago with Scharnhorst, I think Gaijin should reclassfied Scharnhorst as battleship and put it after the SMS Helgoland while Gneisenau goes after SMS Bayern. This makes sense historically, and makes german battleship line more meaning to grind.

Battlecruiser line still has lots of imperial german ships left, and even in Kriegsmarine Panzerschiff D(which was laid down but cancelled in favor of Scharnhorst) and Schlachtkreuzer O. So breakaway of Scharnhorst won’t be much problem for that line.


It really should be. All nations consider it as a battleship and it even out displaces some other ships that are classified as battleships in game.

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Yeah I think when those ships will be added moving scharn to the first line will be logical solution. As for now tho it will just leave von der tann as a dead end and all people grinding it for scharn will lose time and RP.

so good idea, just not now


This is an issue with this poxy game that I’ve had for a while now that the devs for whatever reasoning since around late 2019 is them simplifying warships classifications which annoys me greatly so.

The German warship Scharnhorst in game is a Battleship by historical classification of the germans, It’s strange that they respect the Project 26 cruiser as Light Cruisers yet with their armament they would be considered heavy cruisers by the London naval treaty yet many ships are simply mislabelled in game.

I can think of quite a few ships that are incorrectly classified in game.

Take corvettes in game example the Peacock class or the Project 204 both are corvettes yet in game are subchasers, Similar HMT Liscomb which is a Trawler yet a Subchaser (strange it’s prefix was changed & it’s classification a few years back).

But back to corvettes the Project 1331M is considered a frigate in game which goes against the MPK designation (MPK: Small Anti-Submarine Ship which were corvettes & subchasers historically while SKR: Escort Ship were frigates upwards) similar the Project 1241.2 are corvettes yet are iirc Motor Torpedo Boats in game.

Another classification error is the Chidori which in game is classified as a gunboat although historically it’s the lead ship of a Torpedo Boat class strangely in the Destroyer tutorial it’s a Destroyer same goes for the German Raubtier class (Type 1924) & Elbing class (Type 1939) Torpedo Boats yet are destroyers, Strangely the K class Sloop is a Frigate/ destroyer in game (in game your crew calls out DESTROYER!! if spotted).

Getting to larger ships Destroyer Escorts are Frigates although those terms are universal together but the Ayanami class Destroyer JDS Ayanami DD-103 is referred to a Frigate in game which is daft since it’s pennant/hull markings is clearly DD & it’s predecessor class is a destroyer the Harukaze class JDS Harukaze DD-101.

I could go on but it would be a long list.

Honestly if I was a dev I would reclassify everything in game correctly again over this annoying streamlining we see currently.


If I remember correctly, Anglo-Soviet naval agreement in 1937 has made them light cruiser, in exchange of stopping construction of further Project 26 cruiser, left only what already ordered.

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I have now reported the issue:


Does it make any difference in game?
(I’d expect Gneisenau to be a later premium.)


To my knowledge, no, aside from just being historically accurate.

AFAIK spawn point(though not practical in naval) and repair cost is related to whether it is battlecruiser or battleship(battlecruiser is little bit cheaper) . Of course main focus is on historical accurate.

I have no issues with it being renamed. I just consider it irrelevant. Perhaps Gaijin drew a line somewhere, which Scharnhorsts 26 cm guns don’t pass?

283 mm, which is the same calibre as the SMS Westfalen, and that is classed as a battleship.

If gaijin decides to implement the Gneisenau with its late war uparmament (6 x 380 mm), what would that be, a battleship or battlecruiser?

Afaik, the ship’s active career ended 1942 and it never had big guns?

Was ‘planned’ to modify as in-game Cavour


but they already made 11-inch modelling of Gneisenau, and will never change cause it cost money. So unless in the long future where nothing is left to come out, ‘planned’ 38 cm Gneisenau is not an option for War Thunder.

Besides, it is not 381 mm(15-inch), but 38 cm(14.96-inch)

You saw what the devs did with Togg’s tank, so why wouldn’t they do the same for the Gneisenau?:


Well don’t think so. TOG is recently new model, and were designed for both form. Gneisenau was modelling found more than two years ago.

Until it’s actually in game, then anything is on the table. Models get changed all the time and this isn’t even in the game yet.

The turrets and most of the other animated equipment are separate submodel and same turrets are often copypasted across different models (this applies mainly to the AA armament) so changing the model from the 283mm turrets to the 380mm turrets would be quite quick especially when they model the 380mm turrets. The ease of adjusting the model can be seen with the Gay Archer boat.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we eventually get the 380 mm version of Scharnhorst/Gneisenau. But that is something which will come after Bismarck/Tirpitz and that will take a while.

I think that for WT purposes the battlecruiser designation is appropriate. With 283mm armament it will have no chance against contemporary BBs and if the maps would be bigger (25 - 35 km) it would be relatively matched with the other battlecruisers. So I think that it should stay.

If we get the 380 mm version then that should be classed as BB.

These in game classifications are really important for the spawns ect. So making it battleship could have unintended consequences.

Massive waste of an opportunity ngl.

Whats the point of a 1 to 1 copy paste ship ffs

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Actually I prefer this. Ship of similar characteristic and stats at same BR makes solid line up, and as Renown shows six 38 cm gun is not super-worthy than nine 28 cm gun in BR where we meet cruisers