Will the tornado adv have Fox 3 missiles?

Was it before or after the EF3 upgrade?

After, iirc. EF3 was an EOR around 2003 if I remember, and FSP was around late 2000’s/2010s.

They probably did loft them, but the FA2 can also loft them for extra height. And with the F3s performance you probably didn’t want to waste energy to do major lofts.

As for zoom climbs. F3 probably actually didn’t have performance for it. And making yourself a free kill just to get a little extra range out of the weapon system doesn’t seem worth it.

And yes… 3 guesses as to what audiobook I’m currently listening to is

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So we could get an EF3 with the FSP upgrade :))

ehhhhhh… depends. Idk if the EF.3 modifications were reversed (such that it couldn’t fire ALARMs), but if they weren’t, then yes, probably. Although I’d raise the question of whether the computer/electronics changes during the (possibly) AOP and FSP upgrades would make it not possible to fire ALARMs.

Eh, does make sense. sucks though.

Apart fron anything else, assuming the FA.2 already has its altitude advantage, it’ll loft into thinner air - hence greater performance rangewise compared to a loft at the altitude of an F.3. The only reason the F.3 makes up for it is it can sprint in fast (supposedly)

That’ll be a “i don’t know”

A certain harrier book

Is it, perchance, a certain aeronautical bible by a certain Tremors?

It may perhaps

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With AMRAAM and ASRAAM it would be a monster at 12.7

a monster until they get past the merge and all you can do is run

No different than how it is at 11.3

It’s ability to missile joust is second to none due to how good its radar is.