Will the tornado adv have Fox 3 missiles?

I’m thinking start at 12.0. but with the finger on the trigger to move.to 12.3

If it’s.12.7 it’ll probably be doa

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I think it all depends on compression and if the game mode changes to more EC like sim, at the moment realistic is not suited to ARH slingers

Yeah, but we also just have no idea how they’ll actually perform until we get them

My guess is you take off, you fire all your ARH you then get low and we go back to a IR ball in the middle of the map.

We need EC tanks and EC air

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I feel like 12.3 wouldn’t be too crazy since it wouldn’t be able to get to high altitudes and high speed to use it effectively

I think the sea harrier will be pretty good if the game mode doesnt change simply because it has a good radar and fast acceleration, it can get the missiles off quickly then hide from radar.

A little more on topic for the thread, I think the tornado if placed at the wrong BR will be awful to play, especially if we dont get a FM fix

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I hope it’s 12.3 which will mean that my AV-8B plus will be also at the same br so I can abuse it

Acually the Sea Harrier FA2 routinely outclimbed the tornado F3 and usually operated 10k ft higher than the F3 where it could outstick the F3

But yes, it would still be a subsonic launch that will limit range

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Would be good if we got the EF3, and the proposed upgrade to give the tornado the EFT engine and other upgrades :P

Yeah, they’d be fun… But I think the BAE EAP would be more likely than that F3

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Watch them add ASRAAM and have the FA2 at a ridiculous BR because of it

4x 30km range IR missiles that cannot be dodged?

I’d steam roll every fight at 14.0

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Yeah it would be more likely for the EAP to come, but that tornado is more likely in gaijins eyes, since the german nados have the wrong engines already :)

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Hit em with the twisty wristy 360 headshot

But the FA2 can’t be higher than 12.3.even with ASRAAM. It doesn’t have HMD 😜

Lets take the GR.9A then


repeat after me:

The CSP variant does not exist. The only Tornado F.3 upgrade packages are the AOP and FSP.

There is clearly no such thing as the CSP

What dors the FSP add, I only know the EF3 since its the best one lol

I know you get that from the holy bible of Sea Harrier Books, namely Tremelling’s, but did no one in the Tornado Sqns think “hey we could loft these missiles?” or “hey why don’t we zoom climb up to 45,000ft on AB and toss AMRAAMs?”

AMRAAM C-5, ironed out issues with the computers, and various late life improvements