Will the M728 CEV come back?

Will the CEV ever come back as a GE premium or just return as a store pack? I was excited to get it but it was removed before I had a chance, didn’t expect it to get removed after the anniversary sale and intended to buy it around Christmas time. And I didn’t want to use the AVRE. Dunno, just really want to use it, I think it would be fun and it looks quite unique.

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I also hope it does come back in a sale. Its pretty useless to grind with, but its funky and interesting.


Gaijin has both been returning old GE premiums like the T-69 II G and the KV-2 (ZiS-6) as well as removing packs and brining them back as GE vehicles like the AMX-30 Super so I would hope they are

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i also want to get it

Honestly I’m pretty sure it will. Since it keeps popping up on the hangar trailer that shows premiums you can buy even when it’s not available. And since the Centurion AVRE was also a premium pack that was removed and then added back for gold eagles it seems highly likely.

Wouldn’t be surprised to see it back sometime this year, or early next year.