It seems like this is getting progressively worse, but I cannot catch a break with up tiers. I have been trying to grind my 9.0-9.3 Germany tanks and every single game I’ve played tonight has been up tiered to 10.0-10.3. Cold War era tank against MBTs covered in ERA. It’s also funny because whenever I was grinding my leopard I at 8.0, I was constantly up tiered to 9.0. If I was getting constantly up tiered how come I haven’t caught a single down tier while playing with my 9.0s yet?? I understand that at that BR it’s pretty much just point and shoot, whoever shoots first with the better peek and reaction time wins, but it’s so painful when the enemy has every advantage and can hit me anywhere to kill me while I have to try to pick apart weak points all before I get shot myself. Just to add insult to injury, I switched to my tiger 1s for a break just to get up tiered every single game with them as well. More manageable at that BR but still doesn’t change the fact it’s not a fair game.
Long story short, can we please have consistent at tier games, or at least within 0.3-0.4…
I highly suggest you going to the topic that was made about this very specific subject.
Oh god. The problem is not the matchmaking, or is it? In summary, you’re forcing yourself by playing less populated BR in range of more populated BR, what I mean is:
You got these guys, right?
All the three of them are the best examples of 10.0 - 10.3 premiums, most choosen by newer players because they will grind the most famous vehicles and left other nations by side,
While playing 9.0 - 9.3, a BR very low on vehicles quantity you must keep in mind you’ll get uptiered to 10.0 or 10.3,
It same happens to 5.7 - 6.0, you’re playing a less populated BR, and most of the time you’ll be pushed to 6.7 where you find the gems of WW2 where mostly people still plays.
I started this reply with a question because I also see this issue when I play a match, I have no doubt but it’s due to the currently BR celling of 11.7, I wonder when Gaijin will expand to 13.7 or something else.
You’re mostly right bar the low quantity of 9.3’s. I think every single nation in game has a 9.3 GRB lineup (9.3 is actually pretty balanced and quite fun) but you just get almost constant uptiers due to the 10.3 premiums and the fact most nations also have 10.0/3 lineups. This then scares more people away from 9.3 despite how fun it can be.
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I have no problem coming to terms with my br range being less populated than what I am being up tiered to. My issue is that in the process of progressing from 8.0-9.3 I have for the most part exclusively seen full enemy teams max up tiering me. If I can find so many 9.0-9.3 games to play in while at 8.0-8.3, why can I not get those 9.0-9.3 games while actually playing at that tier?
It’s two problems together which may lead to a third. The uptier is one issue and the need to spade vehicles is the other.Put them together and its an almost unplayable mess. Certainly unpleasant.
That then may well lead to a the third issue of ODL where it’s all just too much.
Spading a vehicles is a pure money maker so I can’t see that changing.
The BR system seems to be a game engine limitation.It’s an old game.
I do have to smile when the playerbase come on to defend the in game fault that is BR and the game makers try to pass it off as something they are proud of.It seems players in 2024 wont accept things like they would have done 12 years ago.
People are getting sick of the uptier and the tier system fails with advanced technology.
it may have been OK in WW2 where its a span of 3 years max but in some cases you are taking nearly thirty or forty years difference.
Some nations have gaps at 9.3, which makes a “pure” 9.3 match a problem, you’ll see uptiers into 9.7 and 10.3 most of the time - personally I’m fine with it because granted, the stock grind is awful, but adapt your play a little and you can do pretty well even in a full uptier.
Well a ‘pure’ 9.3 match will still have lower BR vehicles, as most lineups use lower BR vehicles to plug gaps in numbers or capability. Every nation can role a 9.3 lineup though, with Germany or Sweden maybe being the strongest.
Br compression will always be a thing unfortunately. This is how the game unfortunately works.