I submitted an article to the War Thunder Wiki in December 2024, it was ticket #554. It was rejected with the comment, “Hello, unfortunately we cannot accept this article. It lacks formatting being one huge paragraph, not separated into smaller ones by meaning. Moreover, it lacks the overview of plane’s flight characteristics, survivability and weaponry, based on which the gameplay is covered.” I then began to rework the entire article according to the issues found by the editor. I then resubmitted the revised article on February 28th, 2025 under ticket #1086. On March 5th I received a response from the editor which marked it as a duplicate and provided the response, “You just reposted this ticket without any changes to your previously closed ticket.” I am very confused as the article has been heavily revised and expanded. Any help or info is appreciated.
Hello @Sniper28022-live,
You should contact a Wiki Editor regarding your questions about the Wiki:
Wikipedia Editors
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