Why won't Gaijin at least respond to how ARB meta is right now at 10 - 11 BR?

I’ve played this game for years and bought various things and have had fun. but with the last update the ARB in the 10 range is almost unplayable. One match today, 2 x F-14B’s took out 12 x of our players. 2 other players where TK on the start of the match. This mode / BR level has nothing to do with reality and is just a bizarre playground using 3D objects that look like aircraft. might as well play Arcade. Can someone from Gaijin at least respond on if this is the new norm or trying to work on some type of solution? rant off :)

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Here you go Decompressing Battle Ratings for Top Aircraft and Accompanying Changes to Stock Weapons - #757 by Laurier_Dragon

There might be soon a solution in sight.

That’s not really a solution at all cause they’re raising the br of everything the f14’s face too. They’re compressing 10.7+ to decompress 9.3.

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