Then why are you claiming that the m48 G A2 is better than the magach 5 when you never played them???
Armor against heat is always good. Look at the puma which moved up and up and still is tank because you start with heat stock. At these brs armor against heat is even more important
I’ve played both of their engines.
Cause I have played the GA2 before, and it was great, the best 8.0 I’ve played when I played it.
And the Italian M60 was the best 7.7 I’ve played.
Both of which went up because that’s sensible.
So actually GA2 isn’t over-BR’d, which would mean that Magach 5 is possibly under-BR’d, and I’d need to see for myself.
Still your words
Yes, notice the word “might”.
no im saying that CAS is stronger because now these ground vehicles will face up to 11.0 br CAS (for all vehicles upteired to 10.0). while most CAS hasnt been BR adjusted.
SPAA has been adjusted too but its basically 9.7 SPAA vs 11.0 CAS. hardly fair. except if its the tunguska.
11.0 CAS doesn’t exist that can’t be shot down by a Roland.
10.3 CAS exists, but that was always 10.3.
2S6 is worse than Roland currently.
The Magach 3 and Magach 3 ERA with M392A1 is in the same BR as Magach 5 with M111, there is a fair amount of such case in this new rebalancing disaster.
Decompression isn’t a disaster.
You’re watering down the meanings of words by misusing them in such a way.
Minor inconveniences are not “disasters”.
The world isn’t ending.
I’m not concerned with how you think it is, or how it ‘ought to be’ I’m concerned with how things are represented in game, and the reality is that 3BM22 is better than DM23 and DM33.
3BM22 @ 500 m
DM23 @ 500 m
DM33 @ 500 m
And this doesn’t even consider they extra spalling produced by 3BM22 over DM23 and DM33. Or its higher muzzle velocity.
So having almost the same tanks in the same BR with ammunition with very different performance is not a disaster? I think it’s very nice that they make a change of BR to separate tanks from different periods, but if you want to do it well what you have to do is raise the BR of all postwar tanks by 1.0, but from the first postwar to the top tier, in order to maintain the separation between the different BR, but raising the vast majority leaving some in the old BR is a botch job It’s that simple, I’m not saying that there are tanks that can be upgraded, for example object 120 can be 1.0 BR from what it was, but most tanks that have not had their BR modified leave them unbalanced horrendous. The Magach 5 would have to be in BR 8.3, the Magach 3 ERA too but with the M111 because they are from the same era.
The world is not going to end, it is clear, if now they put the Leopard 2A7V in BR 7.7 the world is not ending. If now suddenly the developers say that they close the servers and stop updating the game the world is not ending either, but it is a disaster, because the same on a smaller scale.
There’s nothing at “the same BR”.
Relative BRs are similar, sure.
But 10.3 is decompressed, and 6.7 - 7.7 is decompressed.
Which is progress.