Why Warthunder eventually die

Yeah. I love this game too, but also, it’s devblogs for a videogame. People have to chill.

Just think if it as children before Christmas excited to open their new presents.

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Except their present will be B O A T

i like boat :3


Ive had an acc since 2013. Just started play the game tho… xD
I dont mind getting farmed by experienced players when that happen. That only give me a carrot for me to try hunt the douche down and get my revenge :D

So from a “noob” perspective, keep on doing what u doing lads, cuz playerbase is getting stronger for each month :P

B-But today only had 210k!!1!!1!1

As if there weren’t regularly 150-160k players half a decade ago

No, that’s reserved for the children that can’t quite stand up from the skill floor.

And don’t forget the fact that War Thunder has a standalone launcher that a sizable portion of the playerbase uses’


Don’t listen to your classroom bully.

What fails is your comprehension of the subject matter. If you go for the weakest low BR vehicle, you will score next to nothing for a kill. If you kill something 5.3 BRs above you, you get 30.000 SL for that one kill.

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+people who play from launcher

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Even though this is a game that doesn’t conform to population mechanics, in a real life szenario quadrupling your population per generation means extinction, since the population will collaps when it hits the resource limit (as it will hit the limit harder than a slow growing population).

Slight declines in populationsnreally aren’t bad as that usually means the specues adjusts to the resource limits.

Of course if the resources are fading the population will die Out eventually as well.

Just an interesting fact about population mechanics. A declining population is actually less bad as a population that is growing too fast.

Doesn’t really fit anvideo came but it is an interesting tidbit that came to mind reading this.

Source in online game=server

They can easily buy more servers

As i stated this does not apply to video games. This was about biology

If it doesn’t apply to video games then it has no relevance to anything that was stated previously. Meaning Your stuff and what the duck guy said is irrelevant. These are your words not mine.

Man you really aren’t happy.

About half of the players play through steam, not 15%

20k-30k in 2015/16

i dont think the game will die and if it did it would take a year for it to drop

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Still doesn’t change the point he was making. Which is that the game is by far no where near “Dead” “Dying” etc etc.

Source? Last time I saw Gaijin say anything about it, they said it was about 15%. Please correct if I’m wrong.