Why USS Cyclone is br 3.7?

It’s two 25mm that have mediocre damage, burst capacity, ammo belt capacity, reload speed, range and protection. If it was able to launch stingers I would understand but it is objectively a useless boat as it faces boats that outgun and outclass it; literally there are sub-chasers with almost 3 times its displacement.


imagine my shock when i grinded out that boat, just to find out it is utter trash

Not mentioning its open top bridge and exposed radio station. destroy them 2 times and you’re dead… ppl doesn’t even try to shoot other parts.

Yeah, it’s terrible. Kind of a victim of bad coastal tree balancing to be honest really.

Inb4 someone screams about its era heh, But yes even though my stats are rubbish for it the Cyclone class PB is just garbage & I’ve got a sneaky suspicion its BR placement was down to the older weaker ship DM’s back when it was added an the devs overestimated how the M252 Bushmasters would handle.

But atm I could imo easily see it at 3.0 at the lowest over its current daft BR, But than again that’s most of the Cost’all/Bluewater+ TT BR’s, all being rubbish especially above 2.7.