Why u constantly change maps in favor of armored tanks?

I just played middle east map and after all the map changes in the past month u keep changing almost every map in favor for armored tanks, u remove gaps and ditches for light vehicles that can only do stuff by flanking or ambushing. on this map it was possible spawning right hand side upper spawn to go across the street and take a covered position to stop the russian blitz krieg camping the spawn when they got A objective and now u have flatten it and make everyone going there an easy target and on top of it before that spot from the oposite they can camp and lock down objective A now behind rocks.

Aswell sniper spots, u put either rocks there now or more bushes or simply remove this accesibility. on the bigger maps you did a lot of dunes, hills so a good armored tank, not to say the russian, can now comfi af sneak into CQC or you simply flatten the maps so reaching specific spots end up in “full head on” in favor of good armored tanks.

All changes that happened were like as if russian players were complaining" i always get shot from the side" “i get ambushed” or “i got sniped” and now the maps feel like “Press W and click left mouse to win”

The map design is already very bad and u keep wrecking it. Not to mention the “gamemodes”. its always 2 teams start left and right of the map or top and down and meet somewhere in the middle. Absolutly no creativity. U talk about realism, the look, the feel and accurate represntation of traits and feets and abilitys of those tanks just to put them in a stupid arena like game, not to mention u dont respect light vehicles and thier only advantages in speed and flanking abilitys, the maps are too small for this and designed for armored tanks that can take a beating head on. Now figure which nation profits from this…