Why there is not a single Spanish vehicle?

I don’t understand why the hell you are defending Gaijin’s way of acting.
I know perfectly well what vehicles Spain has, which ones are bought, which ones are improved versions, and which ones are their own.
I’m not asking for a complete Spanish branch, I’m saying that it doesn’t make sense that there isn’t a single Spanish vehicle while there are vehicles from countries with similar characteristics.
The “AV-8S Matador” was bought by Spain from the USA, it is still being operated, but in the game it is Thai, but Thailand doesn’t operate it

The VRCC is an Italian vehicle bought by Spain with adaptations to the Spanish territory, why have they replaced it with the one from Oman?

Stop defending Gaijin for absurd movements

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I actually also dont understand the absence of Spanish vehicles…between the Spanish CIvil war and modern vehicles i actually believed that there would be some spanish vehicle somewhere…
Hell…even Portugal has one :) (Fiat G91 version)

I am guessing the logical first step would be vehicles in the Italian tree…considering that there should be lots of Spanish players (i would guess more than Omani or Thai), i really don’t see the reasoning…somebody simply forgot?


VRCC is in the game, although it’s currently not available for purchase.

another copy paste tree
let gaijin add some county with better military relevance on original designs


I dont think spain merits a tree…but some more vehicles makes sense…at the very least some “cammos” on vehicles they used a lot…like the aforementioned AV8 or several german/italian/russian vehicles from the civil war.

That said…not many countries with “military relevance” left i guess…

Not sure, but there absolutely could be loads: Greco-Iberian Ground Forces Tech Tree

Hungary being Italy’s subtree seems to rule out a proper Spanish subtree for them which might make a standalone tree more likely, because Spanish vehicles can’t really go elsewhere.

More relevant to what?


Then why the hell did they add the vrcc to the italian tree?

(With incorrect voice actors i may add)

Name one and post it in suggestions.
Ctrl C ctrl V filler junk doesn’t count.

So it’s Ok to add a copy paste tree like israel, but not others ?
As I said, I’m not even asking for a full Spanish tree but some Spanish vehicles

Spain is currently the fifth largest arms seller, produces its own ships and infantry vehicles, has participated in the development of fighter and transport aircraft such as the Eurofighter, has its own variants of vehicles such as the Leopard and the Centauro, and operates all of those vehicles currently.

As I said, I think it is a bit more relevant than Oman

How do I explain…
You say that Spain is c&p?
It’s funny, because Gaijin only adds c&p. It’s an absurd discussion. Everyone on the forum asking for unique things, when 90% of the content that Gaijin adds, during the last years, is c&p.
The only thing that matters here is knowing if Spanish vehicles can sell well. The rest is easily fixed.

if we have this
unnamed (1)
British Commonwealth of Nations (BCN)

we can also have this

Comunidad Iberoamericana de Naciones (CIN)


Danish CV9035 using swedish voicelines for about a year lol. Also because the VRCC is originally a Italian vehicle so if course it would go there. As for the voice lines get in line with the 90 other nations like that

yes but they then proceeded to remove it regardless and yeah the voicelines are a shambles in game, also the VRCC is a spanish modified version its not as if its just a centauro.
its specifically modified to fit into the doctrine of the spanish cavalry brigades that used / use it.

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They remove vehicles that dont sell well and reintrofuce them after a few years as GE prem. This isn’t a gaijin doesn’t love me and im unique type problem, its something that happens.

Also the 9035 is made specifically to the requests of our Military, i dont see the rest of the Danish vehicles just the 9035. I wouldn’t be suprised if gaijin gets rid of it and i wont be upset. I just hope next time they add a better 9035 model from my home country

what is this, its not legally recognised as an organisation let alone any form of shared military aliance , just as the commonwealth isnt military based at all.

hence why canadian and australian equipment is going to american and germany.

Also Israel is mostly unique vehicles.
Israel has less copy-paste than China, and China’s fairly unique as well.

THE AV-8S is a harrier jump jet, a British vehicle. Harriers are already present in several tech trees, including the AV-8B Plus, the AV-8C, the AV-8B (NA), Harrier GR.1, Harrier GR.3, Sea Harrier FRS.1 (e), Sea Harrier FRS.1, Sea Harrier FA 2, Harrier GR.7. It was in fact used in Thai service. Not really unique to Spain. Like I said, the ASCOD and VEC-M1 might be nice.

to be fair its not even voiced in castellano mate ive got it and live in spain xD its voice lines are completely wrong and it was removed so if hes new to the game he wont see it.

you yourself contradicting your own point.

I never said all vehicles should be in the same TT.

Gaijin said UK will get CW vehicles. They never said UK will get ALL CW vehicles.

Indian vehicles in UK are only justified by the cultural ties of both nations.

Hispanic heritage is more than five centuries old, my friend.


Ingame we also have the M47 105mm in the ITT but that it’s actually a spanish M47E2 not the real M47 105.

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