Why the Removal of the R2Y2’s from War Thunder is a Mistake

Wouldnt F-84 be better CAS, than R2Y2?


It wont come in time.

It has. Receiving 1 to 2 vehicles per update.
The last rank V aviation vehicle added was in 21 December 2017 with update La resistance. Then a C&P sub-TT came and only added 1 rank V plane, having added only 1 rank V in the last 7 years. Not even talking about the tiers above it.

If more vehicles around 8.0 are coming in the future, that’s great—but that still doesn’t justify outright removing three unique aircraft from the Japanese tech tree. The issue isn’t just about a “replacement”; it’s about losing domestic, indigenous designs in favor of something that might not fit the same role.

As for Japan not being neglected, I’d have to disagree. Compared to other nations, Japan receives fewer unique additions and often gets copy-paste aircraft instead of historically significant ones. Removing the R2Y2s only reinforces this trend.

The last Rank V vehicle for Japan was added back in late 2017—that’s over six years without a new addition. Meanwhile, other nations have consistently received new vehicles across all ranks. If Japan “has never been neglected,” then why has Rank V been ignored for so long?

Removing the R2Y2’s without adding proper domestic replacements only makes the situation worse. Instead of shrinking the tech tree, Gaijin should be expanding it with more unique Japanese designs, especially given how long it’s been since Rank V got any attention.


Vehicles per update is irrelevant.
This is about playing vehicles, and if your mentality is grind grind grind then I implore you to instead experience the vehicles you have.
Japan’s only copy-paste in the last 2 years was in the Thai sub-tree, about 3 - 4 vehicles.



I have to disagree on you what that.
Interesting and unique vehicles are the reason why someone grinds a TT.

Luckily it isn’t. It’s about using different vehicles - which require different stratagies - to attack the enemy.
More domestic designs are better for the overall gameplay health. Playing the same vehicles over and over again is not fun. The strategies are the same, the lineups are the same, etc…

I think you forget that Japan has only received 3 planes for the TT in the last 2 years.
With them being the F-15’s and F-16. Both F-15’s which are both C&P with no guided air to ground munitions. The only difference is that they get AAM-3 and AAM-4 missles.

The Thai sub-TT is also fully C&P with some vehicles having a different modification.


Japan has no copy-paste F-15s.
They have an F-15C called F-15J, which was added with F-15A and F-15 Baz, two F-15As; there’s a reason it has a significantly higher maximum allowable weight compared to F-15A.
And they have F-15JM which was added with F-15C and Baz M, with JM having a different cockpit and radar on top of the different weapons.

Alpha Jet TH, F-16A OCU, F-5T SCU, AV-8S Late are all unique aircraft.

Japan has the vast majority of their domestically made aircraft, and suggestions for more obscure aircraft only started within the last 2 - 3 years.

Japan has the most OP jets in the game right now: F-15J and JM, both being under-BR’d. That’s not being neglected, that’s being powerful. Japan has always had a powerful tech tree.


While Japan may have strong high-tier jets like the F-15J and JM, that doesn’t change the fact that its mid-tier aviation, especially Rank V, has been largely ignored for years. The removal of the R2Y2’s further shrinks an already small lineup, with no new domestic Rank V aircraft since 2017.

Yes, Japan’s F-15 variants have their differences, though small, but they are still based on an American design rather than being a unique Japanese development. Meanwhile, at lower ranks, Japan has received very few original additions, and many of its CAS and bomber options remain limited.

Like @Grzegames said:

Being “powerful” at top tier doesn’t mean a nation isn’t being neglected elsewhere. The issue is that Gaijin isn’t expanding Japan’s mid-tier with more unique, domestic aircraft, and instead, they are outright removing some of the few that exist.


The R2Y2 should not be 8.0, that’s the main issue, They should back to 6.7-7.3 for WWII or early Cold war lineup, and due to the reason why R2Y2 is 8.0, Gaijin already forgot when they removed the R2Y2’s air respawn, it is just a pretty normal jet fighter which can’t against HO229 or P80


All BRs =/= top tier.
Rank 5 Japan being as strong as top BR is a fact regardless.

Also that list of assets aren’t 8.0 CAS, grzegames’ post is fictional for anything that isn’t top BR or 5.0 or less in BR, with even a civilian plane mixed in.

It’s far too powerful for 7.3.
That’s like moving F-84G to 7.0.
R2Y2 lost its airspawn when it was 7.3, not 8.0.

7.3 still makes it playable, but not op
without air spawn, it’s like another me262 or F3D
and then it’s Airspawn is bomber respawn, not Stirkers
F84G even remove the airspawn is still powerful, due to the powerful engine and top speed

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Correction “that were never built in the first place”.

They didn’t even reach that stage, the R2Y2 was only a paper design.

Such as? Last time I checked, the only fake/paper aircrafts in game are: The R2 series and the F16 AJ.


R2Y2 climbs slightly better than F-84B, almost as well as F-84G, with better guns and energy retention.
Me-262 is inferior to F-84B and R2Y2, and F3D is inferior to all of the above.
And yes, F-84G should have its air spawn removed.

The strength of top-tier Japan doesn’t change the reality that mid-tier Japan has been stagnant for years. Rank V Japan is not getting the same level of expansion as other nations, and removing the R2Y2’s only makes that worse.

Regarding Grzegames’ list, while not all of those aircraft and weapons are specifically 8.0 CAS, the point remains—Japan lacks proper CAS options across multiple BR ranges, and Gaijin has done little to fix that. Even if some of those suggestions aren’t perfect, they highlight how much Japan is missing compared to other nations.

As for the R2Y2’s at 7.3, balance adjustments are fine, but removing them entirely is an overcorrection. If they were too strong for 7.3, they could be moved up or adjusted, rather than being deleted outright.

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Cool, why are You showing me a recon prop with no weapons that has nothing to do with the jet projects?


F3D is similar with R2Y2, just a little bit heavier, f84b is faster than R2Y2, the difference with F84B and F84G is like ME262C2B and me262a, F84G has much better acceleration capability.
After nerf the type-5 Muzzle Velocity(from 900m/s to 770m/s), the gun is not powerful anymore
ME262A is worse due to the mobility and guns, but this is not for ME262C, especially we have ME262C1a at 7.3
Yes, we could remove the R2Y2’s air-respawn, but just shift that from bombers to strikers, and then back to 7.3-7.0
By the way, even the F84B’s climb rate is better than R2Y2, no idea where you get the result R2Y2’s climb rate is similar with F84G

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The Yak-141 didnt have radar and armament, the Ostwind-II didnt have 2 guns and the R2Y didnt have the Ne-220 engines.
Yet these other things can exist ingame.


The R2Y2 was a different version compared to the R2Y1, it’s not like it lacked engines and weapons, it was never meant to carry them in the first place.



Japanese tech tree is treated with extra special care, unlike others.

Other nations have fewer illogical paper vehicles than Japan does.

  • Ho-ri which got manipulated by daigensui
  • R2Y2 which was never built
  • F-16AJ which never bought

Historical standards for vehicles which need to be added in-game are ridiculously low for Japan.

Weeb power I guess.

… even though it is both quite funny and sad that Japan has too few vehicles compared to counterpart nations.

As a joke, You should’ve complained to Mitsubishi or Nakajima about the lack of vehicles.

R2Y2 lived more years than Panther 2 thanks to the “there is no replacement.” theory.
It is time to give a goodnight kiss and hug to R2Y2.


My advice is take a look at some of the other paper vehicles threads. You’ll see a lot of people who aren’t happy with the former 2, just as they aren’t happy with the R2Y2s existence.

This is not a surprise that Gaijin is doing this. They said they would do it at least 5 years ago, when they removed the German vehicles. You’ve had 5 years to change their mind, but all of the sudden it only matters now that they threatened removal.

The R2Y2s need to go. I have them. I don’t love them. They are paper planes. They aren’t very functional in a grind or anything, especially being end of the line. So just let Gaijin get rid of them and introduce real planes that were actually made and used.


It’s worse actually, the F16 AJ is a block 10 with sparrows, wich is just a fictional veichle made up by gaijin in order to give to Japan to most powerful early F16 (the F16 that was actually proposed to Japan was different).